Draw a Cartoon Fish

Have you ever wondered how to draw a cute cartoon fish? It's very simple and easy to do, and you use simple shapes! Here's how to do it.


  1. Start with a simple circle in the middle of your paper.
  2. Draw a curved line inside the circle.
  3. Add two smaller curved lines to the left of the bigger one. These represent the gills. Then, add an Draw Cartoon Eyes
  4. Draw plump lips using overlapping curved lines. Then, draw medium sized scales using the same overlapping curved lines. It's useful to do this in rows.
  5. Draw two tail fins and a top fin. For the back fins, these should be sideways raindrop shapes. Draw curved lines inside of them to give them texture. Then, add a darker line between each of those back fins to show that there are two fins. For the top fin, use a half raindrop shape. Add any line design you want inside of this shape!
  6. Add two longer bottom fins using the same shape only making them skinnier and longer. Add small dashes and lines to add texture.
  7. Once you're done, add any other small details such as more textures and a background. Color if desired in bright colors! Colored pencils are suggested for blending colors.
  8. Finished.

Things You'll Need

  • A plain piece of paper
  • Permanent marker and/or pencil
  • An Eraser

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