Draw a Turtle

There's no one way to draw a turtle. If you draw something, and you say it's a turtle, it's a turtle! If you want to copy any of the turtle, tortoises or terrapin drawings in this article, feel free to follow the steps.


A Lolly Turtle

  1. Draw a circle and an oblong below that overlaps the circle.
  2. Add a small circle on the left side of the drawing for the head and sketch the neck using curved lines that connect to the body.
  3. Draw the turtle’s feet using rectangular shapes.
  4. Draw the eyes using a small circle and curved lines for the eyebrows. Add a curved line for the mouth.
  5. Draw the turtle’s shell from the circle you have drawn earlier.
  6. Sketch out the body and the legs from the outline.
  7. Draw a pattern for the turtle’s shell using squares and curves.
  8. Erase unnecessary lines.
  9. Color the drawing.

A Scary Turtle

  1. Draw an oblong for the body. Add a small circle for the head.
  2. Draw the legs using a curved rectangle-like shape.
  3. Draw the turtle’s shell from the outline.
  4. Draw a series of hexagon shapes as part of the shell’s pattern.
  5. Finish the pattern of the shell by adding a series of lines.
  6. Draw the head and the eyes. For the eyes, draw a small circle. Inside it, add two curved lines and a smaller circle for the pupils.
  7. Sketch out the legs from the pattern you made earlier.
  8. Sketch out small square patterns on the turtle’s body.
  9. Erase unnecessary lines.
  10. Color the drawing.

A Green Turtle

  1. Draw an oval with a sharp edge on the left for the head.
  2. Draw a big oval for the body and shell.
  3. Draw a curve inside the big oval.
  4. Draw three oblongs attached to the body for the feet.
  5. Based on the outline, darken the necessary lines and add the eyes and mouth of the turtle.
  6. Add details to your turtle such as stripes and shell pattern.
  7. Erase the unnecessary outlines.
  8. Color your turtle!

A Snapping Turtle

  1. Draw a big oval for the shell and body of the turtle.
  2. Draw a semi-trapezoid shape beside the big oval for the head.
  3. Draw three rectangles below the shell. Add small claws.
  4. Draw a big interconnected curve for the tail.
  5. Most snapping turtles have spiked shells; draw three series of spikes on the shell.
  6. Based on the outline, draw the whole body of the turtle. Add the eyes and mouth; add some wrinkles in completing the body of the turtle.
  7. Add details such as the shell pattern and skin texture.
  8. Erase the unnecessary outlines.
  9. Color your snapping turtle!

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser gum
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors

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