Draw a Sea Turtle

Do you want to draw an underwater reptile? Here's your chance to learn how to draw a sea turtle.


  1. Look at a sea turtle. If you don't have a sea turtle around, a picture of one will do. This article roughly follows the photo above.

  2. Draw an egg-shaped body. One end of the egg can (and should) be a bit wider than the other.
  3. Draw a head on the wider end.
  4. Draw flippers and feet. The feet should be much smaller than the flippers.
  5. Draw a crescent moon shape on the top of the shell.
  6. On the larger part of the shell, draw some kind of design. It can be realistic or fanciful, depending on what sort of turtle you want to draw.
  7. On the smaller part, draw a simple design, like lines.
  8. For the head, draw an eye and a mouth and lightly color.
  9. Draw a tail and shade that in lightly too.
  10. Draw scaly designs on the flippers and the feet. Color the rest of the turtle, if you wish.


  • On your turtle's body, make the moon shape about 1/6 of the oval.
  • Make it simple.


  • Try to make your flippers the same size.
  • Curve the tail up so it looks right.

Things You'll Need

  • pencil
  • paper
  • eraser
  • colored pencils, if desired

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