Make a Duct Tape Turtle

Duct tape crafts make great projects for kids (as well as for grown-up duct tape fanatics). Since turtles are generally liked by everyone, here you'll learn how to make two turtles from duct tape--a simple, flat one and a more realistic, three-dimensional one.


2-D Duct Tape Turtle

  1. Make a square of duct tape cloth.
  2. Scribe a circle on one side, using either a compass or by tracing a round object that's the size you would like your turtle's shell to be.
  3. Fold a length of tape from end to end, leaving a flap of sticky area at one end.

  4. Cut the folded tape in half lengthwise.
  5. Round the folded ends with scissors to make "feet". Stick the feet to the bottom of your duct tape circle.

  6. Repeat for "hind legs".
  7. Make another folded piece of tape but this time, cut it lengthwise with one piece twice as wide as the other. Round the big piece to form a head and cut the narrower piece to form the tail. Stick in place.
  8. Attach googly eyes to the head of the turtle if desired.

3-D Duct Tape Turtle

  1. Obtain a round lid or container such as a Mint tin.
  2. Cover the container in duct tape, trimming excess from bottom edges.
  3. Create a head by covering a small ball of tape in a strip, leaving a sticky tab.
  4. Stick the head to the underside of the body.
  5. Create feet and tail pieces by folding tape as shown, leaving an inch of sticky showing.
  6. Cut out feet and tail.
  7. Stick feet and tail to the underside of the lid/turtle.
  8. Turn it over and you're ready to name your new "pet".


  • Don't quit if you fail on your first time. Practicing always helps!
  • Your choice of duct tape color will directly affect the appearance of your turtle. Choose carefully.
  • Method Two looks a bit better and might need its own aquarium.
  • Method One yields a turtle that can accompany you to school inside a textbook...


  • If you have small children around, make the turtle big enough that they won't choke in it. It shouldn't be able to fit through a toilet paper (hygienic paper) roll.
  • Duct tape can be painful to remove from skin. Try not to get any stuck on you.

Things You'll Need

  • Duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Googly eyes (optional)
  • Marker and a compass or round object to trace (for drawing circle in method 1).
  • Mint tin (for Method 2)

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