Draw an Anime Character

Drawing an anime character is just like the adventure the character travels through. This task can be tricky though, so here's a step-by-step guide.


Anime Girl

  1. Sketch a circle and a vertical rectangle. Draw a straight line connecting the two shapes.
  2. Sketch a line ¼ of the circle.
  3. Add the guidelines face and body curve. For the body curve guideline, draw a triangle for the upper body shape and a semi circle for the hips.
  4. Sketch the extremities as lines and circles. The circles represent the joints.
  5. Add the shape of the girl such as the face, the arms, neck and body shape.
  6. Sketch 2 circles for the eyes.
  7. Sketch lines showing the position of the fingers.
  8. Draw the draft for the hair.
  9. Draw the draft for the dress. You can dress the character with a dress you like.
  10. Draw the outline of the anime girl.
  11. Erase the draft lines.
  12. Color.


  1. Sketch a big circle.
  2. Sketch the face, neck and the shoulder.
  3. Add the guidelines for the face. Draw 3 lines for the eyes’ position and a line for the mouth’s.
  4. Draw the basic outline of the face and the ears. The ears should be within the middle line for the eyes up to the line for the mouth.
  5. Add the eyes, nose, and mouth. Add also the details for the ears and the eyes.
  6. Draw the basic features for the hair.
  7. Draw the clothes.
  8. Erase the draft lines and add more details. You can add more creases in the clothes and hair details.
  9. Color the boy as you like.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers and/or watercolors


  • When drawing a full body pose, pay attention to the overall of your drawing. Don't rush into the details of a specific part early on. If needed, sketch a general shape or blob of your vision in the beginning to help guide your composition.

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