Draw Anime Chibi Characters

Have you ever wanted to draw a cute little Japanese character? If you have then you've come to the right place. Just follow this quick little guide and learn to draw a cute friend. Let's begin!


Chibi Character: Luffy

  1. Draw a stick figure of your chibi character. Note that the proportions of chibi characters are smaller than the usual anime characters. The head is larger in proportion to the body.
  2. Add volume to your stick figure. Take note of the joints.
  3. Draw the outfit of your anime Character. Do not forget to include accessories, in this case his trademark straw hat.
  4. Add more specific details to your drawing like the face and hair. Be careful to copy the art style from the anime you are basing from.
  5. Erase unnecessary lines.
  6. Color your drawing.

A General Chibi Character

  1. Draw a stick figure of your character, making the head larger in proportion to the body.
  2. Add volume to the stick figure. Note the placement of the joints.
  3. Choose the type of outfit you like. You can browse through existing anime figures for ideas. In this example, I will be using a business suit.
  4. Draw the hair of your chibi character. Here, you can use small angled strokes. Add more details to the face and hands. In drawing chibi characters, it is best to keep details as simple as possible.
  5. Erase unnecessary lines.
  6. Color your drawing.


  • Ask people to give you constructive criticism. That way you'll have ideas of what to better next time.And possibly learn how to criticize yourself while you're at it.
  • Don't worry if it doesn't turn out how you imagined; beginners sometimes have trouble! Eventually you'll get better at it.
  • Good Luck!:)

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