Draw an Anime Hamster

Have you ever wanted to draw a great anime hamster? Read on for easy instructions!


  1. Draw a large circle. This will be the head.
  2. Draw an oval. Attach it to the right or left side of the head; this will be the body. Make it a little smaller than the head.
  3. Draw a tiny circle attached to the body. This will be the tail - take care to make it small.
  4. Draw four small ovals. Make two at the bottom facing up, as these are the back legs, and two half-ovals pointing out below the head as front legs.
  5. Draw the eyes. These can be round or almond shaped; make them as large as possible and add decorations as pictured to the right.
  6. Draw the nose and mouth. The nose should be roughly triangular, and the mouth shaped in a grin.
  7. Draw the whiskers. It’s recommended that you keep them reasonably short. To make them look more realistic, you can use a thin mechanical pencil.
  8. Draw the ears. Begin with a large outer circle, and draw within that a smaller circle.
  9. Finish your hamster. You can add markings, tufts of hair, and color.


  • For a bolder outline go around the drawing at the end with black felt tip or outline pens.
  • When you begin, draw with light pencil strokes so you can erase if you make a mistake. Once you've finished your drawing, you can draw over it with a pen or colored pencil.


  • Though the eyes should be large, take care not to make them enormous.

Things You'll Need

  • Medium softness pencil.
  • Paper, preferably drawing-specific.
  • Optional Black marker pen.
  • Optional Colored pencils.
  • Optional Thin, mechanical pencil for the whiskers.

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