Drive a Diesel Train

You are riding the "Wolverine" to Chicago, Illinois's Union Station, and on the way, you are wondering how the engineer gets that train going, well step by step, this article tell you how if you were an engineer to drive any diesel train on earth.


  1. Do your pre-checks, this includes making sure the cab is connected to other cars, the engine has enough fuel, the wheels are in fine condition, no rust, dents or other damages, etc.
  2. Find the button to start the train's ignition.
  3. Release all the train breaks while in idle, push the level to the forward position and just before pulling out, give a nice big toot on the horn, sometimes the horn is a button, a lever(lee-vur) or a cord from the ceiling with a rubber doohickey in the middle
  4. Start slowly and then increase your speed.
  5. Slow down when you are coming to a station.


  • Even though you are not on a road, look outside to see that nothing is on the track, if you see a person or an animal, blow the horn to scare the animal or getting the person off the track, the horn is ALSO required to be blown when approaching crossings.

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