Embed a YouTube Video on Your Website

YouTube videos cannot be easily downloaded, however you can embed videos on a website using an iframe tag that links with an isolated YouTube video player.


  1. Go to the YouTube video you want to embed
  2. Click 'Share' under the video
  3. Click Embed
  4. Edit some settings
    • The check boxes are optional, but the player size should be edited.
  5. Copy the code inside the big box, with the iframe tag.
    • You will also notice another box with an address. This is a shortened version of the address that takes you to the video on YouTube.
  6. Paste the code on the html code on your website.
    • You may want to encase the video player inside a div tag or table if you are not aligning inline with text.
  7. Test the video player, just in case.


  • The video does not get stored onto your server; it is just linked to YouTube.
  • If you go to the link given in the iframe tag, you can see that the video resizes to 100% of your browser window. This allows a flexible way to easily resize the video player.

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