Exercise While on Your Period
Many myths continue to circulate about exercise during menstruation, but it seems in general to be beneficial. Science hasn't fully characterized the effects of menstruation on exercise, but moderate exercise appears to ease premenstrual tension and menstrual cramps. Thus, there is generally no need to sit out or take it easy just because you have your period.
Preparing for Your Workout
- Know that it’s safe to exercise on your period. In fact, there may be benefits to exercising on your period, including reduced cramps and higher pain tolerance. Additionally, the hormonal changes don’t impact your strength or endurance. So although you may feel tired, heading to the gym might make you feel better. Plus, we all know that exercise releases endorphins that cause happiness, so you’ll probably feel a bit cheerier after your workout as well.
- If you feel really ill or have extreme cramps, don’t force yourself to exercise. Sometimes when your body is asking for rest, it’s because all it really needs to recover is a bit of rest.
- If you’re still not sure about working out, try doing some low-impact exercise for the days you’re on your cycle, and switch back to heavier work when you’re off.
- Use the right protection. Generally, one of the biggest concerns for working out while on your period is "what if I leak?" Although you will be moving your body in ways that might cause more of a flow, you can use the right tools to keep your menstrual cycle out of view. Opt for using a menstrual cup or a tampon rather than pads or panty liners; these options will trap the blood before it leaves your body, making it less likely to leak. If you’re still concerned, double up your protection by using a menstrual cup or tampon with a panty liner.
- Menstrual cups are much better at preventing leaks than tampons are, but their application may not be comfortable for everyone.
- Insert a new tampon just prior to exercising, so that you’ll have a better chance of being leak-free.
- Wear the right clothes. One step up in arming yourself with leak-free protection is wearing the right clothes. Choose pants in a dark color (black always works best). Avoid wearing shorts or anything too tight, as if you do manage to have a leak, it will be much easier to tell in these types of clothing. Look for sweatpants and yoga pants, avoiding leggings and bike shorts. Wear boy-short type panties underneath your workout gear to add an additional layer; thongs and lacy panties won’t do well with the combination of your period and exercise.
- Throw on a dark sweatshirt or jacket before you head out; if you have an accident of some sort, you can use the shirt tied around your waist.
- Choose loose-fitting tops during your period; tight shirts can show bloating and add pressure on an already-tight stomach.
Exercising Safely
- Do some stretching. It can help ease cramps. But make sure to do it after your other workouts such as strength training.Try a few yoga poses such as the restorative pose, cat pose, and knee-to-chest pose to loosen up your abdominal muscles and reduce cramps.
- To accomplish the restorative pose, sit with your legs flattened to the floor and the heels/balls of your feet touching. Then, slowly lay backwards, keeping your feet together and your arms at your sides. Hold this and breathe deeply.
- Cat pose is done by crouching on all fours, arching your back, and tucking your head.
- Knee-to-chest pose is done exactly how it sounds; lay on your back and bring your knees to your chest, hugging your calves with your arms.
- Do some light cardio. Although you can indeed exercise as you normally would on your period, you may not be feeling up to the challenge. Try going for a jog or a brisk walk for thirty minutes, maintaining the same pace and difficulty level the whole time. Avoiding intervals and keeping up this consistent speed will make your exercise more comfortable on a cramped belly and make it seem like you’re doing less work (which is helpful if you’re already tired).
- Try going for a swim. Although the dress precautions don't apply, swimming is an excellent way to cure your period pains while doing some great exercise. If you’re able, head to the gym and swim some laps for thirty minutes or so. Water is gentle on stiff joints (including your lower back) and helps to massage your stomach while you work. By the end of your swim, you won’t even remember that you’re on your period because you’ll be feeling so good.
- Lift some weights. One of the positive side effects of having your period is that you experience a few days of higher pain tolerance as a result of an influx of certain hormones. Therefore, what may normally seem difficult to you may be a bit easier to accomplish on your period. Go through your regular weightlifting routine, or do a bit of leg and arm work and take advantage of your pain-free abilities. Keep in mind that you probably shouldn’t try to do drastically more than what you’re typically capable of doing.
- Avoid doing any weightlifting that puts strain on your stomach or back, as this may be more uncomfortable during your period.
- Stay hydrated. During your period it can be even more important than usual that you don’t get dehydrated, especially while exercising. Drink water throughout your workout, continuing to do so afterwards. Staying hydrated will help to prevent any headaches or exhaustion you might normally have as a side-effect of being on your period, as well.
- Warm up before and cool down after any workout with moderate motion and stretching.
- Don't force yourself to jog when you are in pain because of menstrual period. If you can walk, it doesn't mean you can jog.
- Make sure to stretch after exercising to help prevent soreness later on.
- Especially intense exercise, such as that undertaken by professional athletes, may cause amenorrhea, or the cessation of menstrual periods. This cessation, when due to exercise, is generally temporary and reverses naturally when the exercise regimen becomes more moderate. Sustained, vigorous exercise can also delay menarche (the beginning of periods) in young girls. Since there are many reasons for amenorrhea, consult your doctor if your period becomes irregular, rather than assuming it is due to your exercise regimen. Do not avoid exercise for this reason; rather, pay attention to your body, lose weight gradually, and train sensibly.
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Sources and Citations
- Exercise and Your Menstrual Cycle: Does the Time of the Month Matter?
- http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/period-workout
- http://www.kotex.com/na/articles-info/exercising-during-your-period/50103
- http://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/exercise-and-your-menstrual-cycle-what-your-period-means-your-workout
- Menstruation & exercise