Shower While on Your Period
Contrary to various old wives' tales, showering while menstruating is both safe and advisable. It will keep you feeling and smelling fresh, and once you get the hang of it, it is really no big deal.
- Remove your pad, tampon (optional) or menstrual cup (optional). Showering without any feminine hygiene products may be scary or seem gross if you’re not used to it, but there’s nothing wrong with it. Equally, it's okay to take a shower wearing a tampon or menstrual cup. The menstrual fluid will just go down the drain, and even if the bleeding seems shocking at first (the water will make it look like there’s more than there really is), it should clear up after the initial rush. Consider showering this way to give your body a blessed break from wearing tampons that can cause TSS (toxic shock syndrome) through bacterial infection or bulky pads. Dispose of the tampon or pad before stepping into the shower (you may even want to stand inside the shower while doing this if the trash can is within arm’s reach).
- If you are showering during gym or in another public place, you will probably want to continue using a tampon or menstrual cup. If you prefer pads to insertable products, you will have to either make an exception while showering, allow yourself to bleed in the shower, or exempt yourself from the shower (talk to your gym teacher if necessary).
- When you begin your shower, thoroughly rinse your privates with water. This will help clear residual blood, after which your bloodiness should be minimal.
- Soap up, but avoid getting soap on mucous membranes or inside your vagina. This is because the pH level of your vagina is regulated by the body to keep away vaginal infections; soaps upset the balance, making the vagina more susceptible to infection. Wash the surrounding skin, but not the inside of your vagina or labia, then wash your hands with soap to remove any residual odor.
- If your skin is extra oily during your period, you may wish to use soaps formulated for oily skin. Likewise, wash your hair with a shampoo that targets oiliness if necessary. You may even wish to wash your hair more often than usual during your periods.
- Enjoy your shower. That warm water will do wonders if you're feeling bloated, sticky, or moody, plus the soothing heat can help your cramps.
- Rinse your privates again and turn off the shower. This will keep messiness to a minimum. Make sure to have a paper towel because you don't want blood on your towel.
- Reapply a feminine hygiene product. How you do this will depend on what you’re using:
- Pad: This is the hardest to gracefully reapply after a shower because it requires that you be dry and wearing underwear. To make sure you don’t bleed on your towel, it is best to wipe yourself with paper towels (toilet paper will go to pieces when it touches the water on your body), which you may even want to hold between your legs while you dry off the rest of your body. Have a pad ready in your underwear for when you get out of the shower and get it right on, so you don't have any accidents.
- Tampon or menstrual cup: The easiest, least messy way to do this is to squat in the shower and insert the item. If you want to do so over a toilet, wipe yourself with paper towel (toilet paper dissolves when moistened) and hold it between your legs while drying off with a towel, then step over to the toilet.
- Wash your hands and give the shower a courtesy rinse. Be sure you don’t leave any spots or discoloration in there for the next person to find.
- Change your pad or tampon regularly. It will keep you feeling fresher and smelling better.
- Have a pad ready in your underwear for when you get out of the shower and get it right on, so you don't have any accidents.
- Use an old, dark-colored towel or washcloth to dry the area, if it's messy. Or better yet, use a baby wipe or toilet paper to dry the area.
- Wear breathable clothing and natural fibers.
- As an alternative to pads and tampons, consider using a menstrual cup. This is a soft, flexible cup that is inserted into the vagina to collect blood and is simply washed out and reused. Studies have shown that cups leak less than pads and tampons and don’t need to be changed nearly as frequently. Because they are not absorbent, they do not encourage the growth of bacteria that cause toxic shock syndrome the way tampons do. Since most women only replace them every few years, also they’re far cheaper and much more sustainable than disposable products.
- Don't forget to clean out the hair trap in the shower so that you don't leave any nasty surprises for the next person who uses it.
- Be prepared in school or generally going out anywhere by taking pads with you wherever you go.
- To avoid getting blood on your towel when you dry off, first pat your private areas with toilet paper to absorb some blood and then dry off normally everywhere else.
- Your flow stops under the pressure of water, so don't be scared to shower. There might be blood only if you didn't wash and when you rinse the stained blood off, it will leak down your shower. But otherwise, you can enjoy your bath with no worries.
- Don't rush around like a mad woman, thinking you'll make a huge mess if you don't use a tampon or pad right away. Your vulva will keep blood from dripping for several minutes, and if you do drip, it will be a tiny amount that you can tidy up with toilet paper.
- Also avoid vaginal sprays and heavily perfumed soaps.
- Scented pads and tampons aren't recommended, especially if you have sensitive skin.
- Don't douche. It can disrupt the good bacteria that protect you against fungus. Gravity and normal vaginal fluids will clean the area naturally.
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- Maintain Feminine Hygiene
- Swim when You Are on Your Period
- Tell Your Mom About Your Period
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- Avoid Night Time Stains During your Period
- Remove Blood Stains
- Stay Clean and Smelling Fresh on Your Period
Sources and Citations
- Wikipedia article on the menstrual cycle
- A discussion of various menstruation-related wives' tales.
- WebMD article on vaginal health and hygiene.
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- Have Sex During Your Period
- Take a Shower
- Exercise While on Your Period
- Deep Clean Your Body
- Be a Healthy Teen Girl
- Maintain Feminine Hygiene
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