Fake a Limp

Faking a limp is a basic skill any actor should have, whether you are pretending to be an injured war hero, or an elderly person in pain.


Basic Method

First decide which leg has the problem. Also decide if you will use a cane. Depending on the type of injury you are simulating, decide on which side to hold the cane. Generally holding it on the side opposite the injured leg is preferred but some people prefer to use it on the same side as the affected leg.

  1. To practice,find an area where you can walk a in a straight line.
  2. Take a step on your "good leg" and then take a step forward on your "bad leg," bringing your cane forward with it. The cane and leg should touch the ground at the same time and for the same amount of time.
  3. The "bad leg" should only be grounded for a fraction of a second, at which time you should bring it forward slowly, getting as much distance out of your "good leg" as you can.

With a Cane

  1. It does help to have some acting skills in order to pull this off, even though it is a more natural sort of walk. First, start out without a cane. Pretend that your "bad leg" is almost entirely immobile by locking your knee and ankle in place and holding your leg perpendicular to the ground.
  2. Lift the "bad leg" by leaning slightly to the opposite side, without bending the knee or moving your foot.
  3. Now rotate the leg forward at the hip, but slowly. Put the leg down.
  4. Slowly bring the "good leg" forward, the time each step takes should be almost identical.
  5. Keep practicing until you can walk with a seamless, fluid movement. Initially, you may feel like you are progressing with a strange waddle, but that will change as you find your balance.
  6. When you can limp easily, add the cane. Now, when you bring the "good leg" forward, put all of your weight onto the cane.
  7. Keep practicing until it is perfect.


  • When learning, watch people with real limps. Also check out popular movies or television shows (like "House") that feature characters with limps.
  • Practice makes perfect, or in this case - imperfect, so practice until you can limp without hesitation or appearing too obvious!
  • If you are acting, show the limp even when you aren't walking. While standing, put your weight on your "good leg" and cane. When shaking hands, make a show of switching the cane to the other hand if appropriate. When getting up without the cane, use your "good leg" to lift your weight, and lean towards that leg until you have the cane in place.
  • Don't fake a limp, or practice one, for too long as you can end up hurting yourself.
  • If you are using the cane but need to limp without it for part of a scene, use the limp described in part one, but keep your hand on the "bad leg" and swing around a little when you walk. Also, touch furniture or other objects around you to help keep your balance stable.
  • Try to have a friend around when practicing. It always helps to have a different set of eyes when honing a skill.
  • If you get a cane, make sure you get the right size. Stand upright and bend your elbow holding your arm out straight. The distance from your hand to the floor is the correct length.
  • NEVER fake a limp for personal gain. Doing so is immoral, and cruel.
  • Have a note handy if teacher questions you about what happened and why you can't do certain things around school.
  • Don't step fully onto the injured foot. If you put all your weight onto the leg that shouldn't be able to handle it, then people will know something's up.


  • Don't limp for too long, you're trying to fake a limp, not create one.
  • If your leg really starts to hurt, or you can't stop the limp, see a doctor!

Things You'll Need

  • A cane

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