Feed Wild Birds
Setting up a bird feeder to feed wild birds can give you a chance to observe wild birds at a closer distance, see different kinds of birds, and learn more about your local birds in an enjoyable way. It's certainly a terrific way to expose your children to the world of birds. Feeding wild birds is also a way of helping to sustain wild bird populations, particularly in urban and disrupted environments, provided you feed them the right food. Because wild birds are such adaptable creatures, and thanks to human beings leaving them food, many native birds have even increased in numbers in many parts of the world.
Note: While much of this article relates to birds commonly found in North America, occasional mention of birds from other parts of the world have been made to highlight similarities. However, always be sure to check the needs for birds in your specific area, as these can vary.
Choosing Bird Food
- Keep in mind that not all Buy Seed are created equal. Seed is the most common bird food used for feeding wild birds, but choose your seed wisely. Different birds prefer different kinds of seed.
- Cardinals, small or large finches, and grosbeaks prefer to stay at the feeder while eating. These birds enjoy black-oil Remove Seeds from Sunflowers, while small finches prefer sunflower hearts and thistle.
- Other birds tend to grab food and eat it away from the feeder. These birds include Recognize the Chickadee, titmice, nuthatches, and Attract Woodpeckers. They prefer black-oil sunflower and Shell a Peanut split in half (whole peanuts).
- Choose white proso millet for ground-feeding birds, such as juncos and sparrows, towhees, and doves.
- Some birds prefer nectar over seeds, such as the rainbow lorikeets in Australia and hummingbirds in North America.
- Above all, watch neighborhood bird species' behavior to learn which seeds they will prefer.
- Buy nectar, or make it yourself. Nectar, used to attract hummingbirds and orioles, should have a ratio of four parts warm water to one part sugar. Bring the water and sugar to a rapid boil, stir the mixture, take it off the heat, and then allow it to cool completely before using. Do not leave the pan to boil for very long, since this will cause water to evaporate off and will change the ratio of water to sugar.
- Do not use artificial sweeteners since these do not contain the calories the birds need to survive, and effectively starve the birds. In addition, the chemicals in artificial products or manufactured items such as jelly can cause digestive disturbances in birds.
- You do not need to add food coloring to your solution to attract birds. Most commercial hummingbird feeders are bright enough to attract the birds without the need for additives.
- Once you've made your stock solution, store it in a clean airtight bottle in the fridge, but make sure the "nectar" is at room temperature before offering it to the birds.
- You can also purchase nectar commercially, in liquid or powder form. This might be more appropriate where the balance of nutrients in the nectar is important for maintaining the birds' health (such as with rainbow lorikeets). Look for brands that explain how they have nutritionally balanced the nectar for the species specific to your backyard.
- In New Zealand, putting out nectar when native nectar is in short supply will attract tui, waxeyes, and bellbirds. In the meantime, plant some nectar-flowering trees to improve the local natural supply.
- Consider providing other kinds of Make Peanut Butter Bird Feed. Suet is the food of choice for many species, including woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, Carolina Wren, and Tufted Titmouse. Dripping or lard can also be used. Birds like orioles and mockingbirds enjoy eating fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges and raisins. In New Zealand birds such as tui and waxeyes enjoy oranges, apples, grapefruit and pears.
- Insectivorous birds (meat-insect eaters), like blue birds, kookaburras, crows, magpies and willy wagtails will appreciate Eat an Insect or Arachnid, particularly mealworms. However, this sort of food must be prepared fresh every time you give it, and should usually be restricted to a once-daily feed only.
- Water should be provided for wild birds as well. It can be provided from a Build a Bird Bath or other container. Many birds enjoy the opportunity to visit an open body of water, such as a bird bath, since this allows them to clean their feathers as well as drink.
- Search for specific bird food recipes. There are quite a few great ideas for making your own bird food targeted to specific bird species. Ask for advice from such places and people as your local conservation centers, national parks resource providers, your vet, local bird rescuers and bird experts. Making balanced food can help to ensure that certain species are getting much needed nutrients and it's also a lot of fun for the family to get involved in. Here are just a few recipe ideas:
- Make Home Made Suet Cakes
- Make Mealworm Suet Cakes for Bluebirds
- How to make homemade bird food
- Make Peanut Butter Bird Feed
- Make an Oat Bird Cake
- How to make hummingbird food.
- Take note of how much you're feeding to wild birds. If there is food left over after the day's feeding, then you're probably overfeeding the birds. Reduce the amount you're leaving out each day, making sure that all of the seed is consumed.
- To avoid the chances of leftover food or food sitting about too long, note the times that the birds prefer feeding and target the placement of new food at these times (also note the increased needs during the breeding season). The birds will soon grow used to your routine matching theirs.
Choosing a Bird Feeder
- Choose the Right Bird Feeder which is easy to fill, does not have sharp edges, and is easy to Clean a Hummingbird Feeder. In addition, you want to make sure that it keeps seeds protected from rain and has correct drainage.
- Keep in mind while you are shopping for a bird feeder what kind of seed you want to put out. Make sure the feeder you choose can dispense the bird seed you intend on feeding.
- Make sure that the feeder you choose is sturdy and will not be damaged if it falls. Bird feeders can really take a beating, especially from squirrels, so buy one that is strong and made of quality materials, so that you don't have to replace it quickly.
- Provide large or ground feeding birds with "platform feeders." A platform, or tray, feeder is a tray with a roof above it, and holes in the sides or bottom for drainage. Hang platform feeders on trees or poles, at least twelve inches above the ground. Birds attracted by platform feeders include sparrows, doves, jays, and cardinals.
- Platform feeders are best suited to fruit eating birds. Cutting up grapes, apples, or pomegranates and putting them on a platform helps to attract fruit eating birds. However, be sure to put the fruit out fresh. Also remove it once it is no longer moist as it will attract vermin.
- Choose a tube feeder if you want to feed small birds. Tube feeders are designed with short perches and large holes; the former is so small birds can feed without being intimidated by larger birds and the latter is so they can feed on large seeds such as sunflower seeds. Hang tube feeders from trees or porch leaves, or set them on high, flat surfaces.
- Let Feed Hummingbirds from nectar feeders. With a tubular shape and small holes, nectar feeders are designed for hummingbirds. Clean nectar feeders frequently to ensure scrupulous hygiene. Since you'll need to clean frequently, choose a container that is easy to take apart and Clean a Hummingbird Feeder.
- Sugar solution does not just feed birds, it also encourages bacterial growth. In order for the birds not to ingest infected nectar, it's important to change it regularly and clean the feeder. In cool temperatures (below 70 F) once a week is sufficient, but if the temperature is above 90 F, you need to clean the feeder and change the solution daily.
- Keep suet in suet feeders. Suet feeders, which are square wire cages, are designed for feeding suet. Birds can hold onto the cages as they eat the suet. Having more than one in your yard is recommended to avoid conflict between larger and smaller birds.
- If you have dripping or lard leftover from cooking, small pieces of it can be stuck onto clean upright nails or similar items along fence tops for the birds to alight near and peck at. Do not use rusty nails or objects and don't have any sharp ends poking out.
- For birds such as Woodpeckers, consider rubbing suet on the bark of a tree, which will help attract them to your garden.
- Many suet eating birds don't like to feel exposed, so positioning the feeder near the cover of trees is a great way of helping them to feel at home. Woodpeckers like to store their food in tree crevices and enjoy eating on high branches, but will move to lower ground if necessary.
- If the suet starts to smell strongly or gets moldy, the chances are it has gone rancid. Birds can get sick from moldy suet, so throw it away!
- Choose a hopper feeder for a decorative look. With an appearance similar to a tiny house, hopper feeders can hold a variety of seeds and can have perches to suit small and large birds. However, hopper feeders are favorites of squirrels, and extra protection is necessary to keep them out.
Setting Up a Bird Feeder
- Choose the right location for viewing. Since you'll want to watch birds as they feed, setting up the bird feeder next to a window in a room you're frequently in is recommended. Keeping the feeder within three feet of a nearby window will also prevent birds from accidentally colliding into the window.
- Choose the right location for the birds. Pick a location that provides protection from the wind. Though some feeders do not need this, pole-mounted feeders will sway if exposed to high winds.
- Also keep the feeder near trees and bushes. These provide a place for the bird to hide if predators come too close, something birds are constantly mindful of.
- Ensure that predators such as your beloved cat or dog cannot get to the feeder. Place your feeder in a location that your pets cannot get to.
- When feeding nectar eating birds such as hummingbirds, mount the feeder in the shade and the sugar solution will stay fresher for longer. Whilst you can put the feeder in the full sun, be aware you need to change the nectar more often to avoid it becoming contaminated with bacteria.
- Mount the bird feeder. There are different ways to mount bird feeders and this largely depends of the type of feeder you are using. The feeder can be hung from a shepherd’s hook, mounted to a post, hung from a tree, set on a stable, or flat surface. Certain feeders even attach to windows, giving you a close-up look at the birds.
- Remember to follow the mounting instructions accompanying the design you've purchased. If you made your own bird feeder, be sure to mount your feeder securely.
Keeping Away Pests
- Keep away unwanted birds. Your feed and feeders will influence what birds come to your yard; for example, if you want to keep away Brown-headed Cowbirds and House Sparrows, avoid white proso millet. If you prefer smaller birds, choose feeders (such as tube feeders), which larger birds cannot use.
- Keep away insects. The sugar rich nectar offered to nectar-eaters is highly attractive to insects, such as ants or bees. Using a hanging hummingbird feeder (rather than a window mounted device) can help, or chose a feeder with a built in ant guard, which stops the ants travelling down to the nectar.
- Be wary of using other methods such as applying vaseline or sticky agents, because there is a risk of injuring the birds you are feeding by soiling the birds' feathers and reducing their ability to fly.
- Bees are more of a problem to deter because they fly. The best remedy is to take care when filling the feeder so there are not splashes of sugary solution to attract the bees in the first place.
- Never use insecticides to kill ants or other insects. Different types of birds eat different things, and what might be good for a Hummingbird could be very bad news for a different type of bird, such as a Woodpecker, which eats ants.
- Keep away predators. Choose a tube feeder or other small feeder which birds of prey cannot access. Keep the feeder near a native shrub with dense foliage that can offer protection from attacking predators.
- Think carefully about putting out food for birds, if you own outdoor cats or there are a lot of cats in the neighborhood. By attracting the birds to feeder, you may inadvertently set up a buffet for the cats.
- Get Rid of Mice and Rats. Mice and rats are often attracted by discarded seed, and minimizing the amount of discarded seed will keep mice and rats away. To do so, choose seeds (such as black-oil sunflower seeds) that birds in your area enjoy and eat quickly, add a seed catcher tray to the base of a tube feeder, or feed entirely different feed.
- Also remove food that is dried out and no longer attractive to birds. It may still be a tasty treat for vermin.
- Keep squirrels away. Consider using a baffle, a dome-shaped piece of plastic that can be placed under or over the bird feeder, or a Keep Critters Away that will not hurt the birds, such as one that contains cayenne pepper. Hang your feeder at least four feet above the ground. If the feeder is hanging from a tree, hang it as far away from the trunk as possible. If the feeder is mounted on a pole, keep the pole away from trees or structures.
- Be careful about encouraging fruit-eating birds to the garden if you're growing fruit for your own consumption. You may find they'll eat your fruit too! Consider using bird netting one your precious fruit trees and bushes so that you can both live in harmony.
- Grow native food plants to attract the native birds to your garden and to discourage them from eating human food crops. This should also work well for saving water in your garden and lowering the intensity of your gardening work, as native plants thrive best in their local environment.
- Avoid feeding birds problem plants. The birds will spread these when excreting the seeds, causing invasive plant problems well beyond your garden.
- Feeding orphaned baby birds is very different from feeding adult birds. It requires special attention and specialized knowledge of the particular species' needs. Read up on the needs for that species or speak to a vet or someone in a bird/animal rescue organization for appropriate details.
- Avoid feeding birds with bread unless you're absolutely sure it is pure, wholemeal, and that the birds that you're feeding it to can actually digest it (not all can). Many birds love it, from small bird species such as starlings, finches and mynahs, to the larger bird species such as ducks, geese, swans, etc. However, a constant supply of bread as a food source can encourage pest species to win out over native species; moreover, bread is high in salt and salt is bad for birds, so either avoid feeding it or keep the levels of bread given low. It is recognized that there may be times when high energy complex carbohydrates in the form of bread may be useful for some birds, such as cockatoos, lorikeets and noisy minors when it's breeding season and the natural food supplies are low. However, this should be the exception, not the rule. Never feed birds moldy bread.
- Do not recycle nectar; toss the leftovers away.
- If using purchased bird food, never feed it if it has passed its expiration date.
- Know what not to feed the birds. Avoid food such as desiccated coconut and peanuts; these are harmful to birds.
Related Articles
- Attract Birds
- Bird Watch
- Make a Bird Feeder
- Make Homemade Bird Food
- Hand Feed a Chickadee
Sources and Citations
- http://www.burkesbackyard.com.au/factsheets/Pets-Pet-Care-and-Native-Animals/Feeding-Lorikeets/2374
- ↑ http://www.wildbirdshop.com/Birding/humfeed.html
- ↑ http://www.birdsforever.com/mockingbirds.html
- ↑ http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/wildlife/f/14005/t/83862.aspx
- ↑ http://beautyofbirds.com/attractingwoodpeckers.html
- http://www.birdhealth.com.au/bird/urban/wildlife.html
- http://www.nzbirds.com/more/feed.html