Fight Winter Blues
As days get shorter and the temperature drops, it's not uncommon for the winter blues to set in. All you want to do is stay in, curl into a ball, and eat. These tips, however, will help brighten things up!
- Have your bedroom lights turn on a half hour before you're supposed to wake up.
- You can also probably benefit from the suggestions in How to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button.
One of the symptoms of winter blues is increased difficulty getting up in the morning, even if you've had plenty of sleep. Plugging a bright, fluorescent lamp into a timer and having it turn on before your alarm goes off will help simulate an artificial dawn.
- Expose yourself to sunlight as early in the morning as you can. You want to maximize the number of hours you experience daylight. Wake up early, and lift the curtains or go outside as soon as you get out of bed.
- Use artificial light. Many people invest in a light box, which simulates the sun's natural rays, emitting 2,500 to 10,000 lux (a normal light fixture emits 250 to 500 lux). They work by reducing the release of melatonin in the brain. For best results, use a light box daily, in the early morning, and for 30 minutes to two hours at a time. Many people see improvement in about 2 weeks.
- You can use the light box to effectively lengthen the day: use it before daylight, after the sun sets, or a combination of the two. Increasing the day length by two hours should be effective.
- Light therapy boxes aren't regulated, so if you pick one out without the recommendation of a doctor, look for ones that have been tested in peer-reviewed clinical trials and have smooth diffusing screens that filter out UV rays.
- Unfortunately, light boxes aren't cheap. In some cases, they are covered by health insurance.
- Alternatively, you can get full-spectrum light bulbs at a hardware store. Just make sure they emit a minimum of 2,500 lux.
- In a pinch, using a tanning bed for 5 minutes also helps.How to Use a Tanning Bed. See
- Exercise. Did you know that one hour of aerobic exercise outside (even when it's cloudy) has the same therapeutic effects as 2.5 hours of light treatment indoors? This is because it raises serotonin levels, which tend to get low when you have the winter blues.
- Watch your cravings! When your serotonin levels are low, one of things your body tends to do is to crave food high in carbohydrates, especially high-sugar foods like junk food and soda, because they raise serotonin levels.How to Stop Sweet Cravings. Check out
- Take a multivitamin containing vitamin D-3 daily. Vitamin D is created by the sun's rays on the skin, and therefore declines during the winter. Although studies on the effect of vitamin D supplements on seasonal depression have come up with varied results a good Take the Right Vitamins for Your Requirements will also help with energy levels.
- Take up a winter activity. Taking up an activity that can only be done in the winter is a good way to look forward to winter, rather than hating it. Cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, winter hiking & cycling, ice skating, sledding, tubing, winter photography, playing/listening to music, winter nature observation, or astronomy, all are good ways to enjoy winter. Embrace winter, and it cannot be your enemy!
- Set a goal. Your goal can be anything you want it to be. Buy a calendar with fun (SNOW FREE) photos. Mark the first day of spring on the calendar, and then, every free day that you have after that, write down a fun, outdoors thing that you can only do in warm weather. For instance, vow to take a camping trip one weekend, go on a hike another, or have a backyard party on still another. Set a goal until that date, such as going to the gym five times a week, improving your grades, or tackling a hefty novel series.
- Break out of a rut. In winter, where every day seems cloudy and cold, its easy to fall into an impossible routine. Shake things up with ease, by wearing a bright n bold color of makeup, styling your hair a totally new way, or by reaching out to a lost friend.
- Dress for the cold. Many people say they hate winter simply because they're cold all the time. If this applies to you, then re-examine your wardrobe and make sure you're appropriately dressed. Make sure your hands, feet and head are kept warm. Long underwear can also work warming wonders.
- Cozy up your home. Paint your walls with warm, vibrant colors. Change a sterile, white kitchen into a sunny, yellow retreat or transform a drab, beige living room into an inviting, verdant haven. Hang colorful artwork and toss around whimsical pillows. A few little touches can really help you cope with the winter blahs.
- Accept the season. Even though winter may not seem so terrific, it brings a lot of things. The joy of the holiday season is carried throughout the winter. Many television shows only come on between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Sports such as basketball are often only played November - March. Sledding, snowball fights, snowmen, hot chocolate, blue jeans, and roaring fires simply aren't the same in the starching heat of August. Keep a positive attitude, and the cold months will fly by.
Ways to Fight Winter Blues
Doc:Ways to Fight Winter Blues
- Symptoms related to seasonal affective disorder (SAD or Winter Blues) tend to peak in January and February. Starting preventative measure early can help avoid symptoms all together.
- If you have severe depression, whether it's related to the season or not, consult a mental-health expert. Some sufferers of SAD will benefit from prescription medication.
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