Find a Low Cost Taxi Service from the Airport

Want an affordable ride from the airport to your destination? There are some important things to know in order to increase your chances of a budget ride.


  1. Make a comparison at the airport if there are different taxi companies. Ask them if they will do a "set price" rather than charging by distance and time. This can save you a lot of money and you already know the cost in advance and don't have to panic in the traffic!
  2. Try bargaining with the taxi. In many airports, there are so many cabs available that it’s tough competition. This will only work in some places, however, where a bargaining culture is acceptable and where set, regulated pricing isn't in place.
  3. Use your regular customer status. If you travel regularly, find a taxi company that will acknowledge this and keep a record of who you are, and offers discounts for always using their services. This might require getting a card or similar means of tracking your travel with them.
  4. Share the journey. Ask other people if anyone is going your way and if they're prepared to split the fare. This can be a great saver, especially at smaller airports where people are not so fussed about "stranger danger".

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