Flip Someone over Your Shoulder
Have you ever wanted to flip someone over your shoulder? Well you've come to the right place. This article has top tips on to do martial arts.
- Be in a fighting position with this person. Have your hands on their shoulders and their hands on your shoulders. Make sure that your hands are inside. (This is a general description and will need to be adapted in any real fight situation.)
- Turn around, stepping away from them, pulling them towards you (this throws off their balance), and grab their arm. Place your bottom into their hips, bend over, squat, and lift, while pulling their arm forward. You should be able to hold them on your hips.
- Roll them off of your hip. Flipping them straight over your back or high into the air gives them a chance to recover and land or their feet or in some other stabilized position. It also has a great chance of straining your back if done improperly. You want to drop them from hip height, before they can right themselves. The goal is to let the ground knock the wind out of them.
- Trained people can counteract this by releasing a kiai and knowing how to break their fall.
- Once they are on the ground make sure they slap the floor as they hit to prevent friction. Do Not Let Go of them until they have been on the floor for about two seconds. (This could alternatively be taught as STRIKE THEM AS SOON AS THEY ARE ON THE FLOOR or GET AWAY FROM THEM AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.)
- Make sure they are around your height it's a little difficult to flip someone too short or tall your first time
- If you can grab their arm, there is another way to "take them down" or put them on their back. This decreases risk of injury. Once you have their hand/arm in hand take it and put it diagonally behind them. I used this while taking Kenpo and it was very effective. So if you have their right hand, put it behind their left foot, or vice versa.
- Get a lot of practice before trying to use this in real combat.
- Start out on a willing non-struggling person.
- press your "rump" against their waist/hips when pulling them over your shoulder as this helps get there legs off the ground without them trying to jump and enable you to flip them easier. This will also need less strength for you to use. You should ideally be able to simply lift a willing participant and have them rest on your hips.
- Start out practicing on a good mat or on a trampoline.
- Use a mat to start out.
- Don't make them smack you in the head.
- Do not let go of their arm, if you do, you both are in danger of injury.
- Don't rip a muscle.
- Do not dislocate their shoulder!
- Do not hurt the person.
Things You'll Need
- A soft surface to flip someone on e.g a trampoline.
- A person to flip.