Get Creative with Ramen Noodles

Ramen noodles don't have to be just water, noodles, and a flavor packet. Try adding some onions and additional ingredients. With a little extra preparation time, Ramen noodles can become a very basic meal.


  • Ramen noodles
  • Half an onion
  • Extra virgin olive oil/Olive oil
  • Garlic powder
  • Pepper
  • Crushed red pepper flakes
  • Parsley
  • Soy sauce


  1. Put a couple of inches of water in to a some pot, and start the water boiling on a hob.
  2. Chop half an onion as finely as you like and add it to the pot.
  3. Add in a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, and stir so that the onions are coated with oil. If preferred, just add a little olive oil to the pan of onions and water. You may find it difficult to get the onions coated in oil in a pan of boiling water.
  4. Season the bowling onions with pepper, garlic powder, crushed red pepper, and dried parsley to taste. Boil and stir occasionally, until the onions turn slightly clear. Check the onions are cooked to your liking before you complete your dish. Onions are often fried or sauteed; if you are used to onions cooked in these methods, ensure this unusual boiling technique gives you results you're happy with.
  5. Add enough water to the pan to cook the noodles. Bring the pan of water a boil, and put in the noodles.
  6. Cook the noodles. When they are cooked, pour everything into a big bowl, and add in the flavor packet.
  7. Drizzle in a bit of low-sodium soy sauce to taste -- it gives the whole thing a richer flavor.
  8. Eat and enjoy!


  • Frying the noodles in olive oil and a small amount of soy sauce after boiling gives them a great taste.
  • After adding the noodles, crack a raw egg and let it boil with the noodles.
  • Try tossing in some steamed veggies, canned chicken, or bacon bits.
  • You don't have to add in the flavor packet if you're worried about the high sodium content.
  • Once the Ramen noodles are cooked, top with green onions, oregano, or parsley, instead of the flavor packet, add a bouillon cube before cooking.
  • Add the soy sauce a little at a time; it's salty stuff, and you can easily ruin the dish if you carelessly dump in a bunch at one time.


  • Following these directions will include almost a full put of water. This may result in a very watery dish.

Things You'll Need

  • Small pot
  • Knife
  • Spoon

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