Get Mew on Pokémon Sapphire Using Cheats
Mew is a Psychic-type Pokémon. It is virtually impossible to get Mew without cheating or trading with someone who has cheated on Catch Kyogre in Pokémon Sapphire However, it is possible to obtain Mew on Pokémon Emerald with the use of the Old Sea Map. This article will tell you how to get it by cheating. If you use a computer, run the Pokémon Sapphire game using VBA 1.7.2.
- Go to Cheats if you have it on your computer or get an Action Replay.
- Type in the code. A working code available is: for master code (m) - 9E6AC862 823AB7A8 and 8365F8FA 817CF3E9. For Mew - 39E924C4 4136A9DD and B751BDF4 95CEF4CC. You will get a Mew everywhere you go.
- Or, if your friend got a Mew on Pokémon Emerald from the Toys 'R' Us promo, have them clone it using the glitch in Emerald and trade one to you.
- Type the code in the "code" box and a fine description in the "Description" box.
- The menu for typing the code in VBA is Cheats -> Cheat list... -> Gameshark...
- Sometimes codes may crash your game. Always save before entering codes!
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