Get Work as a Freelance Writer
Being a freelance writer comes with a great set of perks. Freelance writers get to choose their own writing projects, be their own bosses, and schedule their own lives. However, in order to get started as a freelance writer, you first have to find freelance work. Break in to the competitive freelance writing industry by maintaining a quality website, pitching your work to potential employers, and building a portfolio.
Using the Internet to Your Advantage
- Peruse freelance marketplaces. Freelance marketplaces act as a medium between you and potential clients. Some freelance websites sort by subject, while others sort chronologically. Find clients who are looking for writing you think you could do, and send them your profile, resume, and portfolio.
- Some popular online freelance marketplaces include Freelancer, Guru, and Upwork, though there are many others!
- Most freelance marketplaces take a cut of the earnings for connecting you to the client.
- Prioritize clients who are verified and have worked with writers before.
- Avoid free trials, these are usually scams.
- Search your alumni job board for potential opportunities. If you went to college, check in with your alumni association and get signed up for their job postings. These are often free and they can provide a valuable source of potential opportunities.
- Even if you don’t find a job, you can get a good sense of what types of companies are looking for writers.
- If you like the job board structure, check other online job boards like Freelance Writing Jobs and Blogging Pro.
- Find a writing website that pays for guest posts. Some writing websites solicit guest posts and pay their writers accordingly. Keep in mind that these websites accept applications and may not choose your writing. Submit competitive pieces, and feel free to put pieces that don’t get selected to other uses, like including them in your portfolio!
- Look for recurring writing jobs. Sometimes freelance marketplaces or job boards will have postings for recurring jobs. If possible, prioritize these jobs. Even if you don’t get them, reach out to the client and express your interest in another writing job or recurring opportunity. Build rapport, even if they don’t have a recurring job available now, they might think of you next time one rolls around!
- Time and energy spent looking for clients is time you could be writing and making money!
- Dare to start small. Remember that everyone starts at the bottom. At the start of your freelance work experience, what you’re getting paid per hour matters less than landing steady writing opportunities.
- In select situations, like if your writing will be published on a major website or circulated to a wide audience, it might even be worth writing for free.
Eventually, you could be making over $100 an hour for freelance writing, but at the beginning of your freelance writing career, you’ll more likely be making about $20 an hour.
Creating Quality Writing
- Maintain a blog. You can quickly and easily create a free blog via Blogger, Wordpress, or another free blog website. There, post writing samples, update potential clients about what you’re doing, and maintain an active presence. You never know who might stumble across your blog and reach out!
- Create a niche website. If you have experience writing in a specific field and are hoping to continue your freelance writing in that field, consider creating a niche website with information, samples, and ongoing posts. While this website may not be as active as a blog, a niche website can have higher quality posts and you can show this website to potential clients.
- Bulk up your portfolio. The first rule of writing is to write. Potential clients will want to read your writing before hiring you, so have several samples on hand. When you write something new, add it to your portfolio. Make sure you check your portfolio regularly, and remove old pieces or writing samples that are no longer on par with what you’re currently writing.
- Though your portfolio should include a few pieces, aim for quality over quantity.
- Diversity your portfolio. Experiment with different writing styles, subjects, and lengths. You never know what a potential client might want, and it’s always best to have an example similar to what they’re asking on hand. Besides, practicing various writing will help make you a better writer!
Networking Your Way to Success
- Join a freelance writing group. Many social media websites have freelance writing groups that you can join or request to join. There, freelance writers can exchange tips, proofread each other's work, become friends, and post daily writing opportunities. Consider reaching out to learn more about the freelance world.
- Some freelance writing Facebook groups include Freelance Writing Jobs and The Freelance to Freedom Project.
- Reach out to established freelance writers. Ask established freelance writers for tips, tricks, and advice if you’re just starting out. Freelance writers in your field of interest can give you a sense of where to sell your articles, what market prices are like for what you’re writing, and who your ideal client should be. With this information, you can narrow your search down to improve your odds of success.
- Refine your pitch. Every client you pitch to will receive applications from many other applicants. In order to make yours stand out, research the company before pitching and personalize your pitch to the company you’re writing to. Write with clear, precise, and persuasive language. Maintain professionalism and keep your pitch brief.
- Make sure you provide relevant samples and background information.
- Most pitches also include some personal information and details about what you can do for your client, but you’ll want the bulk of your pitch to be about your writing.
- If you don’t get a reply, you can always follow up politely.
- Contact bloggers, startups, and small businesses. These businesses have probably never thought of hiring a freelance writer, so you will have to convince them they need a freelance writer and show them how your content can help. However, the advantage of researching and cold contacting small businesses is there will be less competition.
- Look for companies that don’t have a blog but should.
- Browse social network sites for companies who are attempting to grow their presences but having a hard time doing so.
- Don’t be afraid to cold contact businesses. Worst-case scenario, no one replies.
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