Get a Girl to Like You in Two Months

Here is an almost sure fire way to get a girl to like you.


  1. Find a girl who you would like to be your girlfriend. Date a girl that's YOUR age (e.g., if you're a 15-year-old boy and you're in high school you should be looking for girls that are between 14 and 17.
  2. Hang out with her. See if you can find a common interest between the two of you, such as musical taste, or a class that you are both taking. Make her laugh! Do this gradually for the first two weeks. MOST girls love humor!
  3. Stand up for her. If someone is calling her names, don't be afraid to defend her. You shouldn't necessarily start throwing punches or anything, but at least be able to come up with a quick comeback.
  4. Make sure it doesn't turn into a relationship where you are only friends. Do this for the third and fourth week.
  5. Talk to one of her close friends. Try to become her friend (but not too close), or at least her acquaintance. Find out if the girl you want to date has any interest in you as a boyfriend or a good friend. If she likes someone else, then ask her friend to talk to her about it, while still being discreet.
  6. Make sure your friends say nice things about you in front of her. This may make her feel better about you if you're struggling.


  • Don't be stressed out. Just have a good time.
  • If she starts to giggle a little don't freak out she probably either likes you or she thinks what you said is funny.
  • Remember not to go too far with your flirtations.
  • Just stay chill when talking to her and be yourself.
  • A good idea is to hold the door for her or compliment her. You don't even need to hold the door for her. If she sees you holding the door for someone else, she'll realize your a gentleman.


  • If the girl doesn't see anything in you as a boyfriend, then accept it and move on. Don't become smug and sulky. At a bare minimum, you should still be her friend, maybe soon she might start to like you a little.
  • If she blocks you on social media, that means you should slow down.
  • Don't force her to squat or dead-lift. This is actually the sign that you are staring at her butt and not her face.
  • Girls don't like sweets as much as you do. They just wanna stay healthy!

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