Get a Hot Guy to Dance with You
The best part of going to dances is meeting a hot guy and getting him to dance with you. If you're looking hot, all you need is to exude confidence to score a dance! Remember, guys are also seeking girls to dance, so the desire is mutual. Follow these steps to turn a boring school dance into the night of your dreams.
- At the beginning of the dance, don't hang around him to much. Wait until later.
- You don't have to ask him to dance with you for the first slow song, because it's OK to wait until later,
- Don't just stand there and not dance with a guy because you need to know what it feels like, so you'll be ready when you ask your crush.
- Towards the middle of the dance, start to think about your approach (if you haven't already), and how you're going to ask him.
- Wait until the last slow song of the night to ask him because that's really romantic (although, you should be prepared that he might be booked - after all, you've placed all hope on one single dance). Note that at some schools (especially later at college) some DJs will not play slow songs at all (especially if too few people request them). Try requesting the DJ to do so, and encourage your friends to do likewise.
- Approach your crush slowly, and be calm. Panic works in romantic comedies, but normally it's safer to keep your head cool.
- After you've danced with him, (last dance preferred) when you are leaving wave to him, or tap him on the shoulder and say "Good-bye," "I had fun tonight," or something like that. Body contact quite often does the trick.
- If you're a girl, and worry about others saying that it is the guy's job to pursue you, then face it - that's so far from the truth one wouldn't be able to spot it with an astronomical telescope. A lot of guys will appreciate if you start the flirting, so don't hang around hopelessly waiting for something that won't happen on it's own.
- If you want to start a friendship with him, start talking to him gradually, and don't say much. You have to save some topics for later conversations, no? Just make yourself interesting, then take off.
- As your talk progresses, add on a little more each time.
- Don't stare at him too much during school, assuming you and your crush are in some of the same classes. You might walk into doors and other sharp objects.
- Speak with him while dancing to make things less awkward
- Make sure to ask him to the next dance.
- When you're beginning to talk to him, don't be too quiet, and don't stay quiet, that can make things awkward at times.
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