Get a Kiss on the First Date
If you're contemplating a kiss (or two) on your first date, you might be wondering how to approach it and time it so that it's well received. There are some great ways to give across the right signals and give that peck on the checks or a more romantic and passionate kiss.
Setting up for the kiss
- Ensure that the two of you are comfortable. Whether seated or standing, it's vital to have good balance, as toppling over spoils the moment.
- Move in closer, if needed.
- If your partner pulls away at this point, reconsider the kiss for another time. You're getting a subtle indication that now is not the right moment.
- Snuggle up close. Stroke her or his arm or hold her or his hand.
- Lean over and look deeply into your partner's eyes.
- Making eye contact will increase the tension for both of you.
- Tilt your head to your partner's shoulder. Smile and look both at their eyes and lips. Your partner will grasp that you'd like to try for a kiss.
- Move in and gently touch your partner's lips and start kissing.
Being considerate
- Stay attuned. If your partner makes a move first, don't panic. Just act naturally and go with the flow. To make it more special, lean in slowly and kiss for at least 5 seconds. Don't back away quickly; take it easy and smile and go back to what you two were talking about.
- Hold hands or just make a cute physical contact as seems befits the moment. For example, rest your head to his shoulder or smell her hair. Talk about what you want in a person and ask him if he/she agrees––that way, both of you will be on the same page.
- Act normally. Be cute and a little bit shy. He/she will think that you are a chilled, fun person to hang out with and will be likely to ask for a kiss.
- Take a mint and when you are ready make a move and he/she will smell your breath and will aim for your lips surely
- Wait until the date is over before trying for a kiss. That might be a perfect moment to give him or her thanks. Many a person would be expecting a kiss at this stage, making it more likely that they're ready for a kiss.
- If you are having a conversation, try not to bring up your past boy/girlfriend(s).
- Dress to impress and give your partner a good compliment, not an offhanded comment about her body or his shoes. Make it aimed towards their personality.
- If your partner does not want to kiss you, do not take it the wrong way. It simply means they're just not ready for that yet.
- Have fresh good smelling breath. Have minty breath perhaps. Or chew some parsley, which will deodorize your breath.
- Don't talk about just yourself.
- Smell good and keep clean. Take a shower before the date.
- Do not force a person to kiss you. It your partner, does not want to kiss be a gentle-person and do not force them.
- Don't ever make out or do anything other than a kiss on your first date unless you are sure the person really likes you and will have a future with you and you don't want to feel used.
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