Give Signs to Your Crush You Like Him

Telling a guy that you are interested in him can be extremely difficult. No one ever wants to put all their cards on the table to, only then, get rejected. So instead, here is a how-to guide on giving your crush signs that you like him.


  1. Enter his social circle. By entering someone's social circle, it becomes easier to spend more time with them. This will give you two a chance to grow comfortable together.
    • Give him a comparison. By spending more time with him, he can pick up on how you act differently around other people that you are not interested in. This will make it easier to see that you only act flirtatious with him.
  2. Show interest in his likes and dislikes. By becoming interested in his favorite things, you are signaling that you two are compatible. This creates a mutual feeling of like-mindedness that is associated relationships.
  3. Praise him and don't compare him to other men. Compliment the qualities about him that you like and don't be shy to compare him to other men. Show him that in your mind, he is "different" from other guys you know. Flirting with other guys is a way to show that others find you desirable (and that he should too), but don't this can also send mixed messages that you are flirtatious with everyone. So follow up flirting with other men by clarify why you would much rather be with someone more like him.
  4. Use the right body language. This is a subconscious way to flirt with him and display interest without having to verbally express yourself, which can be hard. All of the following body gestures display interest but have subtle difference in what they are attempting to subconsciously provoke.
    • Direct eye contact shows that you are listening. This is a direct way to show that you are genuinely interested not only in the conversation but also in him.
    • Slowly nodding while you are listening says that you "agree" with what he is saying. This signals that you are "compatible" in the way you think, and that you two would likely be compatible in a relationship.
    • Moistening or parting lips draws attention to your lips. This subconsciously implies you are preparing to kiss the other person--showing interest.
    • Looking sideways and upward creates an illusion of "doe" eyes. These signal vulnerability and interest in the conversation.
    • Feet pointed straight at the other person is a natural display of interest in him. This direct stance implies a lack of interests in everything else around the other person.
    • Legs crossed "into" him is showing a subtle interest in only him and that you are closing your legs ("self") off from other things.
    • Sitting or standing closely (0-18inches) sets an intimate space between the two people. This implies that it is more than just a casual conversation, but in fact you are sharing intimate details with him.
    • Mirroring implies "compatibility." By mirroring his gestures you are encouraging a mutual feeling of trust in what both of you are saying. For every 10 gestures that he does, mimic one or two of them.
    • Preening or grooming yourself, shows a desire to look presentable to the other person.
    • Frequent touching evokes a sensory feelings between two people. This is a strong showing of interest in the other person.
  5. Tell him how you feel. This is the hardest thing to do because people are often scared of rejection. Being direct, however, is the best way to create a conversation about your feelings for each other. By saying "I like you," he will be forced to confront how he feels about you. While you might not hear what you want, at least you will clear up any confusion that exists.
  6. Always be nice to him. Boys like girls who are always nice to him. Then, you would be able to naturally show how you like him. For example, text him on Facebook, Skype, or other social medias. If he answers you, he doesn't hate you (At least!). If he likes you, he would be the one who sends the message first.


  • Don't be afraid to talk to him... he's a human too.
  • Don't rush into things keep it calm and steady. also, look at him from time to time (kind of in short bursts).
  • Try to be really nice and fun.
  • Never give anonymous notes, because he could think some other girl likes him.
  • Make sure you're one hundred percent sure that he may like you back before you say 'I like/love you'.
  • Never ask where would he rather be, talking to you or at a football match because then he may suspect you like him and also its football they'll probably pick football unless they've got feelings for you to.
  • Never say "I hate you."
  • Invite him (or her) over to do something fun, or invite him (or her) to your birthday.
  • Don't overdo it! You will look like a creepy person, however, don't under do it either! Find a nice balance by showing you are interested but not constantly being around him.
  • Don't get friends to ask does he like you and will he go out with you because even if he has feelings for you back he will say no because he either won't believe them or he will find it creepy and maybe even a little bit weird.
  • Don't seem obsessed or act obsessed around your friends because they might tell him and you'll seem like a creep.
  • Be confident. If he does say something nice about you, then say something nice back. Just go out there and be yourself!
  • Don't overdo it, just act casual and be respective to his signals. Just so you don't act dumb when going to ask him out, just ask a friend to ask one of his friends to know if he's single. Also make sure that a friend of yours doesn't like him or she will make it disastrous.
  • Don't tell him/her straight up; give hints that you like him/her and if they aren't interested then don't make your move.
  • Try just be yourself around your crush. I know it isn't easy but if we get embarrassed then they might see how much you like them. Dont annoy them or they will kinda ignore you and, you won't have a chance just talk to them often and, you could become friends and go from there.
  • Don't talk much about other boys.
  • Don't act like he is everything and don't follow him just sit with your friends and slowly get fonder and fonder then tell him.
  • Write him a note with a colored pen then give it to him by sending it to him in the mail or some other way, then use the same pen the next day and maybe he will notice
  • Try to be yourself, don't be who you are not.


  • You should never tell him (or her) in front of a crowd.
  • Never get pressured into doing anything that doesn't feel right to you.
  • If you don't want to tell him, don't feel like you have to.
  • Never get a friend to tell him (or her) because that's kinda messed up.

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