Give Yourself a Manicure Using Salon Techniques

Getting your nails done is a fun way to pamper yourself. Looking down to see colorful, un-chipped nails can make you feel beautiful and polished– pun intended. If you want to treat yourself to a gorgeous manicure without the price tag, learn the techniques and do it in the comfort of your own home. By learning how to properly clean, shape, and paint your nails, you can get salon-quality results. Save that manicure money, and discover how to be a pro manicurist!


Starting Your Manicure

  1. Remove any old polish. Before you can apply a fresh color, you need to give yourself a blank canvas. When you choose a nail polish remover, look for one that is non-acetone. Acetone removers can be drying to your nails, and can potential cause flaking and damage. Using a durable paper towel or cotton pad, rub the nail polish remover into your nail until all of the polish is removed.[1]
    • Avoid using tissues or toilet paper, as they’re less durable than paper towel. They can shred and make a mess on your nails.
  2. Trim your nails. Depending on how much length you want to take off your nails, you may need a nail clipper and a file or simply a file. If you want to shorten your nails drastically, use the nail clippers to cut them down to the approximate length you desire. If you only want to shorten them a bit, just file them down a bit until you're happy with the length.
  3. Shape your nails. Once your nails are the length that you prefer, use the nail file to gently create the shape you want. First, decide if you want your nails to have a squared edge or a more rounded shape. Using short strokes, carefully file the middle and sides of the nails until you’ve created the shape you want. Be careful to go slowly and gently so that you don’t accidentally file your nails shorter than you like.[2]
  4. Push back your cuticles. First, soak your hands in warm water for about ten minutes. For best results, mix a couple spoonfuls of cuticle oil, baby oil, lotion, or mild facial cleanser into the water.[1] After you’ve finished soaking your nails, you're ready to push your cuticles. Grab a cuticle pushing tool, which can be found at your local drug store. Push back your cuticles from your nail. Do not cut or lift your cuticle, only push.[2]
    • The cuticle helps protect your nails from harmful bacteria, so be careful not to over-do this.
  5. Wash your hands thoroughly. If any of the oils are left on your nails, the nail polish won’t adhere to the nail as well. Use soap and water to make sure that your nails are completely free of residue, and then towel dry. If you want to ensure that your nails are completely clean, you can run a tissue with nail polish remover over each nail again.[2]

Applying Polish

  1. Apply a basecoat. As the name implies, a base coat creates a smooth canvas for your colored polish to go on. Look for clear nail polishes at your local pharmacy or beauty supply store that are specifically labeled "basecoat." It also gives the color something to stick to, ensuring that your color lasts for as long as possible. Make sure you let the basecoat dry thoroughly before moving on.[1]
    • The basecoat can be especially helpful if you are going to use a dark polish. Dark polishes can stain your nails, but the basecoat will prevent this.
  2. Apply a solid color. When your basecoat is dry, it’s time for the fun part. The goal is to apply your nail polish in three smooth strokes. First, paint the center of your nail by sweeping the polish from the base of the nail to the tip. Then, do the same on both sides of your nail.[1]
    • Don’t overload the polish onto your brush. You want to apply thin strokes so that the polish doesn’t dry clumpy or overly thick.
    • If your nail polish is a light color, you may need to apply a second coat. Let your first coat dry thoroughly before applying your second.
  3. Try other techniques. While solid color nails can be beautiful, salons often offer more intricate styles. The most common style you'll see in a salon is the French manicure. This can be a bit trickier to do at home, but certainly not impossible! You can learn everything you need to know about creating an at-home French manicure Do-a-French-Manicure
  4. Add fun designs. This step is entirely optional, but can take a manicure from ordinary to eye-catching. If you feel comfortable creating a design with your brush, go ahead! Otherwise, look for thin nail polish pens or polishes with special, thin brushes, sold at many pharmacies and beauty supply stores. These products are created for nail designs, and will allow you to draw designs carefully onto your nail.
    • If you don't have a nail polish pen, try creating a simple dot flower. Find something with a flat tip, like the rod of a Q-tip, a bobby pin, or even your polish brush, if it's small enough. Create one dot in the center of your nail, and then surround it with five other dots, or the "petals."
  5. Finish with a topcoat. Wait until your color has completely dried before applying. Think of your topcoat as a barrier over the colored polish. It will help keep it from chipping, thus keeping your manicure looking beautiful for longer.[1] Apply the topcoat just as you applied the colored polish, with three smooth strokes.
    • A topcoat also helps keep your nails healthy by protecting them against the elements.

Finishing Your Nails

  1. Dry your nails. Sometimes, this can be the trickiest part. You need to let your nails dry completely before you attempt to use your hands. If you don’t have a lot of extra time, choose quick-drying nail polishes to decrease this waiting period. You can also speed up drying time by using a blow dryer to blast your nails with air.[2]
    • Make sure that your blow dryer is set on “cool.” Hot air will actually keep the polish from solidifying, and can cause unsightly bubbles.
    • If you're in a time crunch, look for special nail polish drying sprays, sold at many pharmacies and beauty supply stores.
  2. Fix any mistakes. Once your nails are completely dry, you can touch up any chips or mistakes you notice. You need to wait until you are certain that they are dry, however, or you will end up smudging and distorting your polish and making the situation worse. Lightly dip your brush into the polish and fix any little imperfections carefully.[1]
  3. Apply fresh top coat every couple days. This is an easy tip to keep your nails looking glossy and fresh. Instead of completely removing your polish and starting from scratch when your nail polish starts to look dull, simply brush on a quick coat of topcoat. This will add the shine back into your nails and extend the life of your manicure.[3]


  • Put Vaseline on your cuticles before applying polish it will make cleanup easier. This will also protect your cuticles from drying out.[4]

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