Handle Valentine Blues



  1. Call friends and family to go do something together!
  2. Spend all the money you would have been spending on an over priced gift for your partner and spend it on something you have been wanting for a while like that awesome new jacket or a pedicure.
  3. Relax and have some you time.
  4. Indulge in your guilty pleasure. Skip this step if your guilty pleasure is harmful to your body, mind, or well-being!


  1. Realize you aren't alone and there is a large chance next Valentines you won't be down in the dumps.
  2. Don't feel as though you HAVE to have a special person for the day. And don't ask someone willy-nilly to be your valentine.
  3. Remember how great it is to be single. No turning down the volume of the TV when your partner goes to sleep and you can eat any food in the house!


  • Keep in mind the somewhere there is a boy/girl waiting to meet someone exactly like you.


  • If you feel helpless and depressed to the point of self harm or extreme mental depression, speech to a doctor, counselor, or trusted friend/relative immediately.

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