Have More Endurance
Building physical endurance takes time, patience and determination. Here are a few tips on how to get started.
Before You Exercise
- Consult with your physician or physical therapist before starting a new exercise routine.
- Assess your fitness abilities.
- Your pulse rate before and after you walk/run 1 mile (1.6 kilometers)
- The length of time it takes you to walk/run 1 mile
- How many push-ups and sit-ups you can do
- Your body mass index
This allows you to measure your progress and calculates how much you can do incrementally. Consider recording:
- Design a fitness plan. Anyone can say they’ll stick to exercising daily but a solid plan will keep you motivated and mindful of your personal targets. Consider the following:
- Establish clear goals. Be specific and reasonable. Are you trying to lose weight? If so, how much? Are you training for a marathon? If so, when is it and how much time do you have to train?
- Follow a routine. Maintaining aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week is recommended by most healthcare guidelines.
- Pace Yourself. Start slow and gradually progress into more intensive workouts. Building endurance is not something which occurs overnight, but over a period of months. Therefore, small steps should be taken.
- Recovery. Let your body heal. At least 48 hours is needed in between workouts for your body to heal and for maximum benefit.
- Do different exercises. Keep it new and exciting to stay motivated. Varied activities also strengthen differed parts of your body. With two types of physical endurance, cardio-respiratory and muscular, you can try bicycling, jogging, walking, swimming, dancing etc.
- Write out your plan. Try keeping a journal or a list of your daily routine. Use a whiteboard or chalkboard so it’s larger and easier to remember. Writing it out will keep you on track and driven.
Starting Endurance Training
- Begin with low to moderate-impact activities like walking and running.
- Warm up with a light stretch routine. Stretch your whole body to avoid the risk of pulled muscles. Stretching also helps to increase your success in a certain time.
- Set yourself a big goal and everyday work towards that big idea but setting smaller personal goals. For example, for the first session walk for 5 minutes, then run for 1 minute. For the next session, walk for 10 minutes, and then run for 2 minutes. This may not be the approach everybody takes, but the main part is to be committed, positive, and hard working.
- Try walking {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} then running {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. Increase the run by {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} and decrease the walk in the same manner.
- Continue to increase tolerance in this way until you are running the entire time.
- Complete your workout with a cool down and a longer stretch.
- Maintain your fitness plan and adjust your workout as needed.
- Know your limits and push yourself as much as possible.
- Try exercising at a school track, a local park, or even your neighborhood. Mix it up to keep it new and stimulating.
- Stop exercising if you experience pain in your back, knees or ankles. Stretch and take a break. There is a difference between sores and pains, for example, you can be sore after a HIT (High Intensity Training), but it may not necessarily be pain.
- When you are running, and your tired but want to get somewhere, stare at an object close to where you want to go and keep staring at it while running. It helps.
- Make sure you know the limits of what your body can and can't handle. Avoid pushing yourself too hard if you have any respiratory or cardiovascular conditions.
- "No pain, no gain" is a myth - there is good pain like soreness and bad pain like a sprained ankle. If you have to change your stride or the way in which you run, it's probably best to stop. Contact your physician or physical therapist if pain persists. Refrain from self-medicating. At times, knee pain can be related to your back or feet.
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Sources and Citations
- http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/fitness/HQ00171
- http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/PhysicalActivity/StartWalking/American-Heart-Association-Guidelines_UCM_307976_Article.jsp
- http://www.ffnetwork.co.uk/fitnessfacts/recovery.php
- http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/physical-activity/print.html