Have a Back to School Makeover

Are you tired of the jeans-and-a-t-shirt look? Do you want to makeover yourself so that you can stop staring at your wardrobe for 15 minutes before going to school? This guide will teach you how to have a back-to-school makeover, from attitude to fashion and everything in between! These simple things can really help you! Giving you a unique look for your new school year!


  1. Think about what you need to work on. Your hair? Your attitude? Sometimes it's really hard to determine what you need to work on. Ask yourself. Still don't know? Ask for a second opinion, and a third and possibly a fourth. The more the better!
  2. Create your own style. Fashion is all about having fun with your looks and expressing yourself. You don't have to wear designer clothes to be fashionable. Try to create a diverse wardrobe, consisting of clothes that are your style, not someone else's. Be a fashion creator, not a fashion follower.
  3. If you wear uniforms, spice them up! Add some colourful necklaces, funky bracelets, earrings, etc. Also give yourself some cool hairdos. You don't have to dye your whole head pink! Just put your hair in French braids with some cool hair ties! Still keep in the rules though! Being in trouble is not cool.
  4. Get some basic items and some trendy items. Mix things up! Mix vintage with trendy items; designer items with less expensive items, girly items with boyish items; and anything else you can come up with! Don't wear one brand head-to-toe. Be fashion forward, but don't be a trend-chaser!
  5. Go shopping at least two weeks before school. That way, you'll get used to the new clothes. Remember, it's all about your style, not Teen Vogue's. Try thrift and vintage. You'll look completely unique.
  6. Get flirty undies. That really boost your confidence! However, don't feel pressured to wear thongs just because your friends are. Same goes with bras. If you're not ready for one, don't go out and buy a C cup bra just because your friends are chesty. This will make you seem desperate.
  7. Get cute purse that you can wear often. It doesn't have to match everything. It can be completely random. It'll be your signature. It doesn't have to be designer. You can find great purses at cheap prices at Marshalls and T.J Maxx.
  8. Accessorize with jewelry/accessories that YOU like. They don't have to match. Chunky bracelets and necklaces are great with plain t-shirts, and it's always nice to have a necklace/bracelet that goes with anything. Claire's and H&M are great places for weird, funky things.
  9. Get nice quality shoes. They should be comfortable, and, once again, they don't have to exactly match every outfit. Wear those polka dot flats with that striped top. People will admire your confidence. And if not, who cares?
  10. Make sure your haircut is right for you. The same haircut won't necessarily look good on a straight-haired girl and a curly-haired girl. You don't need to dye your hair, but if you want, it's totally fine to do it on your own as long as you follow directions completely. Getting help is also beneficial, especially during your first haircut.
  11. Get a haircut that looks good on you. Layers, side bangs, blond highlights, whatever. Make sure that style is right for your hair!
  12. Get some hairstyling ideas. Don't wear ponytail everyday! Messy buns, side swept bangs, French braids and the low ponytail are all hot hairstyles. Or you can just wear your hair down!
  13. Be comfortable with your weight. Eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, and work out in order to be healthy. You don't have to be skinny to get friends, and you don't have to gain weight if you're unnaturally skinny, either, unless your doctor tells you it's unhealthy.
  14. Remember, less is more when it comes to makeup. A coat of mascara, a swipe of lip gloss, and some natural makeup is probably all you need. Don't pile it on unless you want to look like a circus clown! However, a bit of eyeshadow or eyeliner is good. If it's your style do it, just use your own discretion. And make sure to put it on after gym during passing period (about 5 minutes) and hurry to get back to class
  15. Develop some new talents to boost your confidence and interest people in you. Learn to do a handstand, become a better artist- whatever you feel like doing.
  16. Be confident. People can sense insecurity and it's a major turn off. You should also be outgoing! People like to be around outgoing people. However, you don't have to be wild and crazy! Also, be nice to others. If you're always mean to people, they won't want to be around you. However, if you're really nice all the time, some people will take this to their advantage. Don't let those kind of people use you.


  • Get clothes that fit your body type not just skin tight clothes everyone else is wearing.
  • If you want, get a favorite perfume. It would be your signature smell.
  • If you have acne, get some products to get rid of it a month before school starts. You should also give yourself a facial.
  • Don't overdo the makeover if you're returning to the same school. People are going to notice you're trying if you bleached your hair, got a perm, and look like you just stepped off the cover of Teen Vogue!
  • The biggest secret is to smile! People are drawn to happy, positive people, learn some great and hilarious jokes and make other people smile (remember don't tell jokes like : why did the chicken cross the road!).


  • Don't make the perfume the strongest scent you can buy, you want to keep the smell in your own personal space, not making people gasp for fresh air when you walk in a room.

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