Shop for Back to High School(for Girls)

Summer is starting to draw to a close, that autumn chill is in the air, and you realize-gasp!-you don't know what to wear to school! You don't have a uniform, so you are totally and utterly lost in the maze of Shop During Sales and Clearances that is the local mall. This will show you how to go back to school in style.


  1. Start a new wardrobe. Go through your wardrobe and see what fits, what doesn't, what you like, what you hate, etc. Donate the unwanted clothes, give them to a friend, or throw them out if they're in really bad shape.
    • Organize a Host a Clothing Swap Party with your friends and bring all of your unwanted clothes. You could end up getting that skirt you've wanted for the past year, but is always sold out or too expensive.
    • Reuse the clothes. Some old, careworn shirts could make a great body pillow or quilt, and jeans could make cute Make a Cool Messenger Bag With Old Jeans.
  2. You'll need money, too. Instead of blowing all of your allowance or paycheck on the movies or something that you'll only wear once, save it, or at least most of it. Do odd jobs around the neighborhood, get a part-time job at a local store, or start a dog-walking business for some added cash.
  3. Get the basics. Before you buy that top you've wanted for ages, get some of the basics. Some things it would be in your best interests to have would be:
    • At least five pairs of jeans-different styles, all the same, low riders, boot cuts, whatever.
    • At least five plain t-shirts. Get one or two white and black ones, to go with almost anything, and a few colored ones.
    • At least three camis and tank tops. You can use them to layer or for a hot day, provided they're school appropriate.
    • One pair of leggings. Leggings are extremely versatile; you can use them under dresses, as pants, with almost anything.
    • At least three hoodies. Hoodies are useful for layering, on chilly days, or instead of a jacket.
    • At least one pair of sweatpants for days when you don't feel like dressing up or are bloated.
    • At least two pairs of shorts, but make them school-appropriate; no booty shorts!
    • At least one dressy shirt and skirt/dress, for nicer occasions-an honors assembly, a sports banquet, or a semi-formal school dance.
    • Shoes-at least one pair of sneakers, tennis shoes, flats, flip flops, and dress shoes. It's up to you how many of these you get, but don't go overboard.
  4. Now, to build upon the basics. Providing you have everything listed above (although remember, those are just guidelines-depending on the local climate, they may vary), it's time to improve upon your probably bland wardrobe. Head to the local shops to find the perfect drop-dead-gorgeous outfits you've wanted for ages.
    • Go to local thrift stores; they might have a classic shirt of your favorite 80s band, or the perfect jeans, all at a fraction of the cost!
  5. Accesorize! Make your favorite outfit better with a chic handbag or necklace. Buy a few necklaces, bracelets, and rings for the finishing touches.
    • Chances are, your backpack is looking mighty dingy, but you might not want to get a whole new one. Add pins and patches to refresh the entire bag.
    • Don't think you have to buy everything from the department stores, though. You can make your own bracelets and necklaces, or head to a local art center if they sell jewelry made by the community.
  6. Clothes aren't everything, though. Don't think that this is everything you need, though. You might want to get a new hairdo to make yourself look and feel like a new you. Buy new makeup to replenish your dwindling supply. Get a manicure for soft, touchable hands. Get some acne treatment in case a zit pops up the morning of your first day.
  7. Don't forget about the most important thing: school supplies. As shocking as it may seem, you're in school to learn, and going back unprepared won't help you at all. If you don't already have a supply list, just get the basics:
    • Five to six single subject notebooks, depending on how many classes you're taking and whether they require individual notebooks.
    • Four to five packs of loose leaf paper.
    • Five to six folders, depending on how many classes you're taking and whether they require individual folders.
    • One or two packs each of pencils and pens.
    • Two or three binders, although this varies depending on how you plan to use them; for certain classes, for homework, for projects, etc.
    • Highlighters
  8. Remember the next most important thing: A Maintain a Positive Attitude. No matter how cute the clothes you buy are, nothing will look good on someone with a scowl, so smile!


  • Remember to get personal hygiene supplies, like deodorant or perfume, if you're running low.
  • If your teeth are looking a bit, well, less than white, try whitening strips, or baking soda for a cheap fix.
  • Don't be afraid to buy something just because it's not "in" or all your best friends don't "love" it. Take advantage of your individuality and be a bit "out there"!
  • Buy school supplies first, so you don't run out of money before you get to them.
  • Only buy the things you need when shopping for the basics, because you'll be able to spice it up for cheaper once you're done.
  • Bring a friend to shop with you; a good one will be able to tell you honestly what looks great and what looks terrible.
  • It's high school, not a beauty pageant. You'll get the same education if you're wearing last winter's shoes or this fall's hottest trend.


  • Don't get discouraged when you see yourself in the dressing room mirror. The lighting and mirrors can make even the most beautiful people look terrible.
  • Don't wear anything against the dress code, like really short skirts or super low-cut shirts. If something is questionable, wear it, but bring something extra to change into.

Things You'll Need

  • Clothes:
    • At least five pairs of jeans-different styles, all the same, low riders, boot cuts, whatever.
    • At least five plain t-shirts. Get one or two white and black ones, to go with almost anything, and a few colored ones.
    • At least three camis and tank tops. You can use them to layer or for a hot day, provided they're school appropriate.
    • One pair of leggings. Leggings are extremely versatile; you can use them under dresses, as pants, with almost anything.
    • At least three hoodies. Hoodies are useful for layering, on chilly days, or instead of a jacket.
    • At least one pair of sweatpants for days when you don't feel like dressing up or are bloated.
    • At least two pairs of shorts, but make them school-appropriate; no booty shorts!
    • At least one dressy shirt and skirt/dress, for nicer occasions-an honors assembly, a sports banquet, or a semi-formal school dance.
    • Shoes-at least one pair of sneakers, tennis shoes, flats, flip flops, and dress shoes. It's up to you how many of these you get, but don't go overboard.
    • Accessories: Bracelets, necklaces, handbags, tote bags, earrings, rings, hats, scarves, etc.
  • School supplies:
    • Five to six single subject notebooks, depending on how many classes you're taking and whether they require individual notebooks.
    • Four to five packs of loose leaf paper.
    • Five to six folders, depending on how many classes you're taking and whether they require individual folders.
    • One or two packs each of pencils and pens.
    • Two or three binders, although this varies depending on how you plan to use them; for certain classes, for homework, for projects, etc.
    • Highlighters

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