Have a Friendly Face

Need help looking friendlier and more approachable? Read on to learn how, and for helpful tips!


  1. Look in the mirror to study which part of your face needs to be tweaked.
  2. Friendly faces are usually well-hydrated and clean. Brush your teeth often, and make yourself look approachable.
  3. Notice what makes you happy and smile. Think of those things often, but try not to have a too dreamy look.
  4. Relax your face muscles. When you're stressed, your eyebrows tend to furrow up, and that makes you look as if you are too stressed or deep in thought for someone to approach you.
  5. Smile often. Make it look genuine, especially around the eyes.
  6. Make eye contact with people you'd like to meet.
  7. Make your eyes seem sharp and alert.
  8. Keep on your feet, and relax to the max!


  • Laugh!
  • Look at the bright side
  • Life's short so enjoy it!
  • Be a happy person in general.
  • Be optimistic!

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