Smile for Better Health

Smiling plays a very important role in maintaining and improving your health, both physically and emotionally. As Phyllis Diller once said: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight, and the smile can help you to stand out, improve people's perception of your attractiveness and relieve any stress you might be experiencing. And if you're still not convinced, there is evidence that those who smile often live an average of 7 years longer than those who rarely conjure a regular smile.[1]

A fun way to improve your physical and mental well-being, the smile is free of charge and always available by choice and this article explores the ways you can smile to be healthy.


  1. Smile to relieve stress. Stress is easily shown in our faces. Smiling prevents people from looking too tired or overwhelmed. When you're stressed, try to put on a smile, as it will make you feel happy, and you will appear happy. Your feelings on stress will be reduced as the endorphins associated with the smile are released, [2] and the infectiousness of your smile will help to make others happy. When others are happy, you will feel even happier knowing you're helping others to feel better. You may even start laughing, and if so, others might join in. That shows you that from being sad, you can start laughing with the help of a smile.[3]
  2. Smile to help your immune system work better.[4] Smiling brings about a sense of relaxation, and it is relaxation that helps your immune system to work more efficiently. You can reduce the risk of sicknesses such as the cold and the flu by smiling, in addition to getting a seasonal flu vaccine, exercising, eating right, and living a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Smile to stay positive. A simple test to show you how smiling keeps you positive is to smile. Then you need to try to think of something negative, but keep the smile, otherwise the test won't work. You will soon see that it is hard to combine the negative thought with the smile! When we smile, our body and mind are sending us a message that everything is okay, and that life is great. Smiling will help to lift depression and sadness, and with frequent use, works better than any type of medication to relieve you of stress. Dozens of studies show that if you are positive, you are more likely to live longer, a state of being that also helps to ward off sickness.
  4. Smile to look younger. The muscles used to smile lift your face up, which makes people appear much younger. Don't go for an unnatural and dramatic smile, just try to smile throughout the day naturally.
  5. Smile to live longer. Those who smile are thought to live an average of 79.9 years, while partial smilers live an average of 75 years, and non-smilers live an average of 72.9 years. The only conclusion to be reached from this is to smile every day. Even if it doesn't guarantee that you'll live longer, you'll feel a whole lot better for it throughout your life! Obviously as well as smiling, also pay attention to appropriate exercising, eating right, and living a healthy lifestyle. [1]
  6. Smile to relieve pain. When you're in pain, physically or mentally, smile. Smiling releases endorphins and serotonin – endorphins are natural painkillers. Together, these two chemicals make people feel more able to cope when they're in pain. When someone is sad, and their friend comes over and makes the person laugh to cheer the person up, the resulting smiling and laughter relieve pain.[5]
  7. Smile to help reduce your blood pressure. If you're a person suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension), then it's recommended that you smile a lot more. When you smile, you should see a marked reduction in your blood pressure:
    • If you have a blood pressure monitor, then you can prove this response. Sit for a little while, and read. Smile for a few minutes, and then read while still smiling. Then measure your blood pressure with your blood pressure monitor. You should notice that your blood pressure has gone down measurably.
    • Of course, smiling isn't the answer to hypertension. Be sure to be under your doctor's guidance, receiving all care and attention required to treat your disease.
  8. Smile to seem more successful. People who smile appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, because they will put their boss into a happy mood, and are more likely to be approached by many people, as well as making more friends.[6] Smile at meetings, and you will see that people will React Nicely when Insulted to you differently. Smile to help put people at their ease and you'll feel a lot more at ease too. Ultimately, the smile is an easy way to improve your mental well-being through increased confidence and better relationships with other people.


  • Smiling changes people's mood. When you're feeling sad, smile. Your mood will become happier. Smiling tricks the body into changing your mood for the better – even if you're faking the smile initially. Just smile every time that you are sad, and you will be healthier overall.
  • Wear clothes that emphasize the good will and friendly intent of your smile:
    • Yellow is the colour for dependability and happiness. A soft yellow is non-threatening and friendly. Warm colours from the yellow family are welcoming. Gold's, browns, and golden-oranges, are all dependable colours of friendship.
    • Blues are passive and calm colours. In the visual language, soft blues project a serenity and quiet peacefulness.
    • Avoid reds that can come across as aggressive and threatening.


  • A fake smile can make you look phony, nervous, or even dangerous, so don't just try to put on a smile without first practicing or putting yourself in a happy state of mind. You can spot a fake smile from a genuine (or Duchenne) smile – a fake smile is one where the corners of the mouth aren't turned up, or the mouth is solely smiling, with no change at all in the eyes. You'll know it when you see it as you pick up the subtle body language cues that confuse you as to the smiler's intention; and if it's you making the fake smile, check your emotions to know whether or not you mean the smile. However, forcing yourself to smile is better than not smiling at all and if you persist, a genuine smile can ensue.
  • Do not smile to take advantage of people. If you are making someone do everything you ask just by smiling, stop. It is mean, and people will catch on and won't like you as much.

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