Have a Good Relationship in Middle School

A lot of relationships in middle school could not last a day. It would go on for months if you had tried. Just remember if you don't like it, find another one.


  1. Be friends with them. Start a relationship from there. Hang out every now and then with him/her and a few other friends. Get to the point that you can openly talk to them about anything.
  2. Find someone that likes you. Do they like you for you and make sure you like them the way they are.
  3. Space out. Give them space to live their life. Don't stalk them but talk to them. Be casual and let whatever happen.
  4. Have a good love life. You shouldn't go any further than a peck on the lips, unless you're okay with it. If you aren't comfortable with anything though, tell him/her.
  5. See each other places beside school. Go on a date at the mall, movies, etc. with other friends.
  6. Be nice to their friends. Don't act rude to their friends they can make them easily break up with you be as nice as can be but don't creep them out.
  7. Look nice for them. Just because you have them does not mean you can't lose them. This does not mean dress like a model every day. An Aeropostale/Polo shirt and jean/khaki shorts look great on guys, and those tank-top/jacket outfits with a pair of jeans look cute on girls.
  8. You are a pre adult. Just know later in life you will be more desirable if you haven't given it up.
  9. If you suspect something is wrong. If they are cheating break up, and just be friends. Do not go back!
  10. Let your crush know that you care about them. Every now and then it is good to keep updated with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend.
  11. Show affection. Hug, hold hands, and maybe even a little peck on the cheek or lips on special occasions, but nothing further than a kiss.
  12. Make sure you keep care of yourself and stay healthy. Brush and floss your teeth and use mouthwash for fresher breath. Take showers daily and wash your face every day. Washing your face can help prevent pimples. Also use deodorants. No boyfriend /girlfriend wants a smelly partner.
  13. Be yourself! No one wants to date a fake, then find out that those weren't your true colors.
  14. Find common interests. Maybe you two love to play soccer. Or maybe you two are both choir nerds. You don't have to be a cheerleader-quarterback couple.
  15. Don't listen to what people say! There will be haters, rumor spreaders, and those immature preps asking "Hey! Did you guys make out yet?" Don't let them take the fun out of the relationship!
  16. Have fun! You two are still really young, so relationships should be really light-hearted and fun.
  17. Get to know his/her family. This will let them know you, and chances are they'll like you.

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