Host a Car Show
If the idea of hosting a car show really revs your engine, you're in for a treat! Planning a show can be a fun experience. Start by hammering out basic stuff like the show theme, date, and venue. Then, get the rest of your community involved by seeking out sponsorships from locally owned business and hiring local vendors to provide food, prizes, and entertainment. With a little planning and organization, you can pull off a great car show and get your community buzzing with excitement.
Details and Logistics
- Choose a theme or car type for the show so it feels cohesive. A theme provides guidelines for your participants and gives attendees an idea of what to expect on show day. Popular themes include classic cars, antique cars, race cars, low-riders, luxury cars, and foreign cars.
- "All foreign luxury cars and exotic race cars are invited to participate."
- "The show is open to all pre-1948 hots rods and American classic cars."
- "Owners of modified tuners and high-end, highly modified exotic cars are welcome to sign up."
Be sure to include the theme on your flyers and announcements so car owners know if they're eligible. For example:
- Hold your event on a Saturday or Sunday to draw the biggest crowd. Weekends are best for car shows since most people are off work and looking for something fun to do.
- Choose 2-3 possible dates just in case the first one doesn't work out.
- Hold your show in the spring or fall when the weather is mild. Most show car owners don't want to bring their vehicles out in the dead of winter, and mid-summer heat could also prevent people from showing up.
Once you choose a date and time, check online to confirm there aren’t other local shows or events happening simultaneously. That way, you won't have to compete with them for attendance.
- Set a budget for the event. Figure out how much you have to spend and what size you want the show to be. Expect to spend about $2,000 for a small show (50-100 cars). For a medium show with 100-150 cars, budget at least $5,000. Then, create a running list of estimated expenses to make sure you can cover everything. Typical costs include venue rental, vendor fees, ticket sales, permits, insurance, advertising, flyers, entertainment, and prizes.
- Be sure to adjust your budget after each item is finalized. That way, you're always working with accurate numbers.
- Ask local businesses about sponsoring if you’re short on cash! Good options include auto parts/maintenance shops, custom body shops, and car clubs. Benefits for sponsors include brand exposure, their logo prominently displayed on all signage, and an opportunity to set up a vendor booth at the show.
- Book a venue that can accommodate your show size and needs. If you run a car shop yourself, the most ideal venue is your own parking lot.
- Community centers or VA halls
- Local auto businesses or race tracks
- Parks or community event areas
- Local businesses with nice parking lots
- School parking lots
Otherwise, look for local venues with big parking lots. Call around to discuss pricing and be sure to scout each location before making a final decision. Imagine where the cars will set up, where you’ll put the registration area, and so on. If there aren't restroom facilities on site, plan to rent Port-a-Potties for the event. Consider venues like:
- Buy an insurance policy to cover unexpected costs or damages. Generally, the venue dictates what insurance is required to operate on their property. Ask the venue and check with local government about coverage requirements. If the show is on your own property, contact your insurance agent.
- Most car shows have expensive and/or classic cars involved, and those cars are expensive. It’s a good idea to get insurance to cover any possible issues, just in case.
- Get any permits required by local city, county, or municipality officials. To operate legally, you will probably need at least 1-2 local permits. Look for information online or contact city offices directly to find out what you need to do, any relevant deadlines, and permit costs. Start this process as soon as you can so you’ll be ready to go on the show date.
- Street Closure
- Building & Safety
- Health Services (for food vendors)
- Traffic Control
- Fire/Police Departments
Some of the permits you might need:
- Set up pre-registration so people can sign up early. Most shows allow pre-registration and onsite registration, but serious participants usually prefer to do it ahead of time. For small shows, include your contact information on the flyers and encourage people to get in touch directly to sign up. For bigger shows, set up a show website and direct people there to register and pay the entry fee.
- Offer a discounted registration fee as an incentive for early sign up.
- Information to capture for registration: Participant's full name, home address, and email address. The car's make, model, color, and year.
- Send out registration kits to participants 2 weeks before the show. Each kit should include a map, a pre-paid window sticker, parking information, and any other special instructions.
- Hang up event flyers and send out invites on social media. Design an attractive flyer for your event and post copies at local shops and car events. Then, create a Facebook event page and encourage people to RSVP and share the link to help you get the word out.
- Create a Twitter account and tweet the event link to your followers
- Advertise on local radio and television
- Place ads in your local paper
Other ways to promote your event:
Vendors and Entertainment
- Book a local caterer or food truck for your event. If you’re having a small car show, you can probably get away with just setting up a few barbeque grills. For bigger events, go with a local caterer or food truck operator. Call around for pricing and book your food provider as early as you can.
- Their minimum rates
- If they can accommodate your show’s size
- What they plan to charge guests
- Deposit rate and deadline
- Any additional fees
Ask the vendor questions about:
- Hire a DJ or local band to provide music. Music is a traditional part of any car show and can create a really fun vibe for your event. Think about what kind of music makes sense for your expected crowd before you make any decisions. Partnering with a local radio station can be a great option, as well. They'll provide music, broadcast live, and promote the show all at the same time!
- If you hire a DJ, consider speaking with them about catering to the crowd.
- Hiring a local band to provide live music may create extra hype.
- Set up an MC if you need a way to make announcements at the show. MCs can provide hype, engage the crowd, and make necessary announcements like winning raffle ticket numbers, trophy winners, and so on. If this is something your show needs, look into local MCs who can do the job.
- If you’re hiring a DJ, ask if they’d be willing to consider MC duties along with spinning the music.
- Find a local company to design and provide trophies for your winners. If your car show is a competition, you’ll need prizes and trophies for your winners. Refer to your show categories and judge sheets so you know how many trophies you need. Then, get in touch with a local company for design and production. Aim for at least 3-5 large trophies.
- Rent a bouncy house if you’re expecting kids at the show. If you’re expecting an older crowd, this isn’t necessary. However, if you think your event is going to draw a lot of community families, consider offering some kind of entertainment for kids. More people might show up if they can bring their kids.
- Face painting
- Balloons/balloon animals
- Clown or magician
Other kid-friendly entertainment to consider:
- Choose your judges and prep them on categories and scoring. You and your staff can be the judges, or you can bring in experts/enthusiasts from local car clubs to do the job. Set ground rules before the show and make sure everyone is up to speed on the categories and specific point systems if you're using those.
- Aim for 3-5 main categories like: Best in Show, Best Custom Mods, Best Performance, and so on.
- A pre-made judging sheet might include a section for each category, a breakdown of details in each category, and an explanation of the point system/how to use it.
Show Day
- Put up signs and barriers to guide participants and attendees. Make sure bathroom signs are clearly marked and easy to find. Set up entry and exit signs to help you control the flow of traffic. If necessary, erect "no parking" signs in restricted areas. Mark the emergency exits and assign a person or put up barriers to keep those pathways clear.
- Buy sturdy signs with clear writing so everyone can see them easily.
- If you need barriers, ask your local government to provide them ahead of time.
- Mark off parking spots for your show cars with white spray paint. Each participating car needs a specific space to park in, so mark off those spaces several hours before the show starts. Bring a couple of stakes and string with you so you can make nice, neat lines with white spray paint.
- If you're numbering the parking spaces, be sure to spray paint each number clearly in the correct space.
- Direct the vendors and entertainment to their areas for setup. Ask vendors and entertainment to arrive 1 hour early for setup. Show the food vendor where to go and help the DJ or band set up in a central location on site. Make sure power cords and generators are in place before anyone arrives.
- Set up a registration area at the entrance of the event. Assign one of your team members to be responsible for keeping a log of participants and taking entry fees. Give each registered participant a window card with their name, vehicle info, and vehicle class on it. Assign each car a specific numbered space or clearly marked parking spot so they know where to go.
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