Install Brico Pack for Windows Vista Inspirit
Now is your chance to make your computer look brilliantly "vista" before everyone else! Not only is this method effective, you can avoid the hassle and risk of Windows Vista's long installation and never ending beginner's guides.
- Go to and download the Brico pack for Windows Vista Inspirit.
- Once finished, unzip it with Winzip or download a free unzipping program (search on Google).
- Install it to your computer.(Now that you're waiting for it to finish, take a break and rest your eyes)
- After installation, it may or may not prompt you to restart your computer, depending on the model of your computer.
- If you are resource cautious or computer savvy, you could try to use the visual styles method.
- At the same site where the Brico pack is located there is a place for visual styles.
- Download the desired visual style and unzip it. You must copy all extracted files on C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes before you continue.
- Double click on the .mss file.
- If it doesn't work, you will have to patch your UXTheme.dll. To do this, download and run uxtheme patcher or Google search "uxtheme patcher". has a good one.
- Once you run the program, the computer will prompt you to reboot and then repeat step 12.
- on to the widgets, basically a widget is a very small program on your computer that you can customize to do almost whatever you want it to. Widgets can be alarm clocks, calculators, weather reports, etc...
- Simply follow the instructions at and download (or make) your own widget
- Note that the dock being used in the Brico pack is `Object Dock`; it is notorious for massive memory usage (this may have changed). Try other docks such as Rk Launcher or Y'z Dock for reduced memory usage.
- An alternative to Yahoo's Widget Engine is Samurize
- If you are using the visual styles method, make sure you've copied the files to the right place!
Things You'll Need
- A Computer
- An internet connection
- Basic Computer Skills
- 20 minutes (you can probably take a break for 7 mins during installation)
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