Keep a Motor Home Refrigerator Mold Free While It Is in Storage over the Winter

Bacteria grows because there are still minute particles of bacteria when you wiped the fridge out. Here's how to make the fridge still mold free.


  1. Use a solution of bleach water with soap to clean before storage. This will kill any bacteria, even when you wipe the fridge.
  2. Leave the door open to let all the moisture evaporate. This keeps the fridge fresh. It could also be helpful if you open any windows.
  3. Tape an object on the door surface to keep the door from closing. This will stop buildup of interior moisture and prevent a child from suffocating inside.


  • Another way to stop mold is by mixing one cup of water and one cup of baking powder. Use a rag or sponge and scrub the fridge.
  • Wear rubber cleaning gloves so you don't harm your skin when using harmful cleaning products.


  • Do not have children use bleach as it is dangerous and very harmful.
  • Be careful not to put bleach in your eyes, skin, and clothes.

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