Know if a Middle School Boy Likes You

Have you every walked down the hallway of your school and saw your crush? But you just didn't know how to come up and talk to him or you wanted to become more than friends? Then if you're in middle school and you really like this one guy, read this guide to know if he likes you.


  1. Look at the obvious. Does he stare at you a lot, or look at you when talking to friends? Text you a lot? If so, he might like you, keep reading if you're still not positive.
  2. Talk to him. Make sure you keep him interested. If you think acting ignorant will make him run to you, you're wrong.
  3. Text him. Texting is a way you can release your feelings without the awkwardness of talking one-on-one. If your conversation suddenly stops with a, "Yeah:" wait a little bit to see if he tries to continue the conversation. If he does, he might be interested.
  4. Become friends with his friends, guys like having a girlfriend that's comfortable being with him and his friends. However, make sure that he will not feel uncomfortable because of your overly big interest in his friends instead of him.
  5. Become friends with him, but don't become too close or it could ruin your chance with him. Get to know him. So that way you connect, which will make him like you more.
  6. Does he want you to help him with projects or always pick you as his partner in school? If so, this could be because he likes hanging out with you.
  7. Does he always give you hugs? Hugging is a big sign that he may have some interest in you, or he is just a friendly guy. It really depends on the hug. If it's a sweet hug from behind while you are your locker, resting his head on your shoulder, it means he wants a proper hug, but doesn't want to ask you. If it's a hug where he lifts you, and spins you around, he is definitely into you. He just wants to gain your trust first, and get to know you more. Even if he just pokes, tickles, taps, or bump in to you that can show you that he is definitely trying to flirt... this may sound weird, but sometimes when a boys likes a girl he will be mean to her, so maybe he playfully trips you or pushes/shoves you, that's a sign as well! For example, if you and your crush are playing soccer together, he might brush up against your arm, thus using his body language to hint his attraction to you.
  1. Does he always smile when he looks at you, or shows interest? When he smiles at you when you do something cute, or something clumsy, he will look at you and laugh softly. If you say something funny, or you're in class and you say "I don't get it." and that pulls on his heartstrings, he will laugh softly and poke your nose softly, as if saying I like your nose. Go cross-eyed (as if your trying to look at your nose) immediately after he pokes your nose. It will make him laugh, and think you are so much cuter.


  • If he turns out he doesn't like you, it is not the end of the world! You are still a beautiful person and a guy can never change that! There are other fish in the sea!!
  • If he tries to relate to what you're saying, or laughs at a stupid joke you tell, he probably likes you.
  • If the boy sacrifices time to be with you he probably has a crush on you. If you are certain, ask him if he wants to help you study and then you can bring up crushes or something. More than likely if he is really in to you he will spill the beans.
  • If he likes you, don't act different around him. It'll just scare him off.
  • Do not expect too much. Sometimes guys can be afraid to do something in front of their friends.
  • Try to give him a smile once in a while.
  • If he looks really nervous around you, and his words come out in a jumble, he probably likes you!
  • If your crush's friends are annoying- maybe singing a song or making kissy noises- just ignore them. I know it is easier said than done, but try to ignore it. They are probably just jealous.


  • Don't change who you are. If he is into sports don't join every sports team in school. Be yourself!
  • Don't ever get really clingy. The guy needs space!
  • Don't flat out tell him you like him, because it will break your heart if he doesn't like you.
  • Be sure about him liking you only if he shows most, or all, of these signs.
  • Don't rush it. If he doesn't like you already, he needs time to start.
  • Never, ever presume things. If you've been his friend for a long time, he might show some of these signs. But never think that he's into you just because of this!

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