Look Appealing in Front of Your Crush
Do you want your crush to like you? You can't force them to like you, but you could make a little difference so the chance is more likely. Do you also want to look appealing and attractive so that he/she finds you attractive too? Then you've come to the right place, read on if you wish.
- Be cool. Don't be loud or annoying, you want a good impression on the guy/girl. Don't look like an attention seeker (at/on anywhere e.g Facebook, in person etc). If he/she asks you a question answer it and be polite. Ask open questions such as 'How was your day?' 'What are you doing tonight' and 'What are you up to?'. Also, make compliments. Say things like 'I really like your hair', 'Hey, nice jacket' and 'You're really good at ______, I wish I could be as good as you'. Get close to them.
- Dress casually, wear a simple t-shirt and pants/trousers. You don't want to go over the top on your outfit, accessories/jewelry if wanted. If you're a boy, keep your hair neat, tidy and smelling nice. There's nothing worse than having a guy who doesn't wash or comb his hair. And if you're a girl, have it down if just washed or put it in a ponytail/plait if greasy and you absolutely don't have any time to wash it.
- Be polite. Say 'Hi' when you're with them smile and make a conversation, if you're out walking don't look at other guys/girls flirtatiously as you go past, you don't want him/her to think you're not interested in him/her. Make sure you keep a good conversation and don't say any 'conversation killers' when you're just getting in to it. But when it's starting to fade off, don't start it up again, this may get annoying. Unless he/she doesn't mind.
- Smile at him/her when he/she sees you, don't laugh at everything he/she says because they may get annoyed. Ask them about themselves. Find out what their favourite type of music, food/drink, programme, movie/film.. etc. He/she might even tell you about some little individual funny thing about her/him.
- If you're a guy wear a deodorant, you don't want sweaty armpits around a girl - it's not attractive.
- Don't change for him/her, he/she should like you the way you are.
- If you accidentally touch his/her hand don't go bright red, say sorry if he/she noticed or just say sorry and keep a straight face, or smile if you're comfortable with it.
- Smile at him/her politely.
- If you make a mistake don't worry, just carry on with whatever you're doing. He/she should understand.
- You'll be very nervous when you're with them so try not to make any mistakes and relax. There's bound to be another person you like anyway.
- If you're a girl, wear light make-up or none at all, guys don't like girls who cover their faces in make-up to try to look beautiful. Keep it natural.
- Don't overdo it. You don't want your crush to know right away. Keep the mystery between you. Some people find it more attractive, but don't go overboard.
- You should know when its time to stop making conversation, you don't want to go overboard.
- Look at him once in a while because if you stare at him too much it will be obvious that you like him.
- Be yourself and if he/she doesn't like you for who you are then he/she doesn't deserve you. Look for someone who likes you for you.
- Be yourself and don't overreact.
- Don't try too hard. Don't be making it obvious you like them at first sight or you could be annoying them, progress slowly.
- Don't be taking someone else's love away, you don't want to start something ugly between their current boyfriend and or girlfriend.
- If you're a guy don't be calling the girl you want 'hon' or 'babe' this could only put them off - even if you're not going out with them.
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