Land a Jump on a Scooter

Jumping on a scooter is a neat trick, but it can be dangerous if not performed correctly. Read on to learn about this stunt.


  1. Learn how to ride a scooter.
  2. Get some speed.
  3. Bend your knees. This is important, otherwise you will fall on your face.
  4. Get a tight grip on the handlebars and jolt upwards.
  5. Jump. If you don't try steps 2-4 again.
  6. Regain your balance as you land.
  7. Be careful and watch a pro do it first.

Simple Jumps

Easy Hop

  1. Gather some speed. You may like perform this jump going downhill.
  2. Bend your knees a little bit
  3. Get a good grip with both hands and feet. That means both the handlebars and the deck should have some grip material.
  4. Bend your knees a little more, then sort of hop while keeping your feet on the deck and with a good grip.
  5. Jump about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} off the ground, but with more practice you could get higher that two feet. If it didn't work, keep trying!
  6. Maintain your grip and balance as you come down, and roll away to land.


  1. Know that this is not really much of a jump, but still worth learning. As in the Easy Hop, Do steps 1-3.
  2. Realize that this trick requires a bit more grip on the handle bar.
  3. Lean forward and quickly lean back. You front wheel should come up.
  4. Lean forward so the wheel comes back down, and roll away.


  • Never do this without padding, or at least a proper helmet.
  • It is good to have a friend or sibling with you, to tell you how great you're doing and help you if you get hurt.
  • If you do get injured, wash the injury and/or contact a doctor if it is serious.

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