Leave a Group on Linkedin

To leave a LinkedIn group, hold the mouse cursor over the “Member” button on the group page, then click “Leave.” You’ll need to do this on the website, as it’s not currently possible in the mobile app. Mobile users can, however, leave (or mute notifications from) group conversations. Learn where to find the “Leave” option on the group page, how to remove yourself from an ongoing group conversation, and how to mute distracting notifications from conversations you’re not ready to leave.


LinkedIn.com - Leaving a Group

  1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account.
  2. Click the “Interests” tab at the top of the screen, then select "Groups”.[1]
  3. Select "My Groups". Here you’ll find a list of all groups of which you’re currently a member.
  4. Select the group that you want to leave. Clicking the name of the group will take you to the group’s homepage.
  5. Hover the mouse over the “Member” button at the top right corner of the group’s homepage. The text on the button will change from “Member” to “Leave.”
  6. Click “Leave.” A confirmation pop-up will appear, giving you a chance to cancel before committing your choice.
  7. Click “Leave” on the pop-up. You will be removed from the group and redirected to your home screen.

LinkedIn Mobile App - Leaving a Group Conversation

  1. Open the LinkedIn app and sign in. A group conversation is a thread of messages that arrives in the inboxes of multiple recipients. All recipients can also send messages to the conversation. It’s easy to remove yourself from the conversation if you don’t wish to participate.
    • Leaving a group conversation will not remove you from any LinkedIn groups. If you want to remove yourself from a group, you’ll need to do so from the LinkedIn website.
    • When leaving a group conversation, a notification will be sent to the remaining recipients.
  2. Tap the “Messaging” tab. You will see a list of all messages in your inbox, including group conversations.
  3. Tap the group conversation you want to leave.
  4. Tap the top of the message where the recipient names are shown.[2] This will open the “Conversation details” screen, where you can modify settings for this conversation.
    • If you’d prefer to remain a part of the conversation but no longer want to receive notifications of new messages, you can “mute” the conversation.[3] To do this, tap the Notifications switch to the “off” position.
  5. Tap “Leave.” Messages to this group conversation will no longer appear in your inbox.

LinkedIn.com - Leaving a Group Conversation

  1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account using your web browser. A group conversation is a thread of messages that arrives in the inboxes of multiple recipients. All recipients can also send messages to the conversation. It’s easy to remove yourself from the conversation if you don’t wish to participate.
    • Leaving a group conversation will not remove you from any LinkedIn groups. If you want to remove yourself from a LinkedIn group, you’ll find this option on the group’s homepage.
    • When you leave a group conversation, the remaining recipients will be notified.
  2. Click the Inbox icon (two overlapping chat boxes) at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select the group conversation you want to leave.
  4. Click the three dots (…) in the top right corner of the message. This will launch a menu with several options.
    • If you want to remain a recipient of a group conversation but no longer want to receive alerts, you can choose to “mute” the conversation.[3] To do this, select “Mute conversation.”
  5. Select “Leave conversation.” You will no longer receive messages to this group conversation.


  • You can share and recommend groups with friends and colleagues by clicking the “Forward this group” link in the top right corner of any group page.
  • As long as you leave a group on your own, you’ll be able to rejoin at any time.


  • Leaving a group will cause you to lose certain group features, such as communicating with group members directly.
  • You can be re-added to a group conversation you’ve already left. If this happens, you’ll need to remove yourself again.

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