Lighten the Colour of Your Hair
If you want to lighten your hair without going to the salon, turn to your kitchen cabinets for inspiration. Using household products like lemon juice, honey and olive oil, and hydrogen peroxide can all be used to make your hair a few shades lighter. Read on to find out how to use these hair-lightening methods.
Using Lemon Juice
- Make a lemon juice solution. Cut up a few fresh lemons and squeeze 1/2 cup of juice into a bowl. Add 1/2 cup of water, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Shake up the mixture thoroughly so it's completely combined.
- If you have long, thick hair, add 1 cup of lemon juice and 1 cup of water. If you just want to do highlights, add 1/4 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup water. Just make sure the amount of lemon juice and water is equal.
- If you're using an old spray bottle, make sure whatever chemicals it contained are completely rinsed out before you fill it with the lemon juice solution.
- Get your hair wet. Wet your hair in the shower, then towel it dry until it's still damp, but not dripping wet. It's important to start with wet hair so that the lemon juice doesn't dry out your hair too much.
- If possible, start with hair that hasn't been washed in a few days. Your hair's natural oils will protect it from getting damaged by the lemon juice.
- Spray your hair with the lemon juice solution. Spray the solution liberally over your hair, concentrating in the areas where you want it to be the lightest. The more solution you use, the lighter your hair will be.
- If you just want to highlight your hair, dip a cotton ball in the solution and rub it down the strands of hair you want to highlight.
- Be sure to get plenty of lemon juice around your roots, so they don't end up darker than the rest of your hair.
- Sit in the sun. The sun's rays activate the lemon juice and help it bleach your hair a few shades lighter. Go outside and let your hair sunbathe for about thirty minutes. The longer you let your hair sit in the sun, the lighter it will get.
- Don't sit outside for more than sixty minutes, or you could damage your hair.
- Make sure your skin is covered in sunscreen when you sit in direct sunlight.
- Rinse it out. Come back inside and wash your hair with cool water. Wash it until it no longer feels sticky from the lemon solution, then shampoo and condition as usual.
- Let it air dry. Give your hair a break from heat styling products for a few days, so it has time to recover from the drying effects of the lemon solution. Let it air dry and use a hair moisturizer to restore its bounce.
Using Honey and Olive Oil
- Mix honey and olive oil in a bowl. Add 1/2 cup of honey and 1/2 cup of olive oil. Mix them well using a whisk. Honey can get a little stiff, so make sure the solution is completely smooth before proceeding.
- Apply the mixture to wet hair. Massage it into the strands you want to lighten, making sure you cover the shaft from the roots to the tips.
- If you want to lighten all of your hair, apply it to your entire head of hair a section at a time, making sure every strand gets covered. Mix up some more honey and olive oil if you run out during the process. Cover your head with a plastic shower cap when you're finished.
- To highlight just a few strands, separate out the sections you want to highlight and douse them with honey and olive oil. Wrap them with plastic wrap to keep them separate from the rest of your hair.
- Let the mixture sit in your hair. Wait for the honey and olive oil to work its magic; it should take at least half an hour. The longer you let it sit in your hair, the lighter your hair will be.
- Rinse it out. When you're ready, use warm water to completely rinse out the mixture until the water runs clear. It should no longer feel sticky or oily when you're through. Shampoo and condition as usual, then dry and style your hair.
- This method doesn't damage your hair as much as lemon juice, so if you like the results and want your hair to be even lighter, try it again in a few days.
- Add a few drops of essential oil, such as peppermint or lavender, to the mixture next time to get the benefits of aromatherapy while you lighten your hair.
Using Peroxide
- Make a peroxide solution. Pour equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide (available at drug stores) and water into a clean spray bottle. Make sure any chemicals the spray bottle previously contained are completely gone, since you don't want them to end up in your hair.
- Apply the solution to your hair. Either spray your entire head of hair in sections or use a cotton ball to apply the solution to specific strands you want to highlight. Be careful to apply the solution evenly from the roots to the tips of your hair.
- Don't get too much of the solution on your scalp, since it may irritate your skin.
- Don't use too much peroxide solution the first time you bleach your hair. If you like the effects, you can always do it again.
- Don't use this method if you have very dark or black hair. You may end up turning your hair orange.
- Let it sit. After a few minutes you'll be able to see the the peroxide lightening your hair. Let it sit in your hair for 20-30 minutes.
- The longer it stays in, the lighter your hair will get.
- Don't leave the solution in your hair for more than 40 minutes. It will dry out and severely damage your hair if you leave it in for too long.
- Rinse it out. Wash your hair in cool water, then shampoo and condition using moisturizing products meant for color-treated hair. Wait a few weeks before processing your hair again, since using peroxide too often can make your hair look damaged and frayed.
- Use a deep conditioning treatment after lightening your hair. This will help restore its moisture.
- Be careful with the peroxide, it can really damage your hair.
- Mixing the lemon juice with conditioner (or leave-in conditioner) makes it easier to apply, and leaves your hair soft when you rinse it out.
- Another way is using lemon, lime, and orange juice with conditioner.
- Strongly-brewed chamomile tea can be used in place of lemon juice.
- Instead of lemon juice, use chamomile tea, because lemon juice can dry out your hair, but chamomile tea won't do that.
- Add some olive, almond or coconut oil to the lemon solution and use it as a conditioning treatment that will also protect your hair from sun damage.
- Mixing olive oil, honey, lemon juice and butter will create a perfect lighter shade.
- Try not to use any heat; this can damage your hair if used too frequently.
- Do a strand test if you're unsure what effect lightening treatments will have on your hair. If you have very dark hair, you might want to seek the advice of someone who works at a salon.
Things You'll Need
Using Lemon Juice
- 1/2 cup lemon juice
- 1/2 cup water
- Spray bottle
- Cotton ball
Using Honey and Olive Oil
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- Plastic wrap or plastic shower cap
- Cotton ball
Using Peroxide
- 1/2 cup peroxide
- 1/2 cup water
- Spray bottle
- Cotton ball
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