Lowlight Hair Yourself

The lowlight is essentially the highlight's darker, more mysterious cousin. Lowlights are also more subtle than highlights because the deeper shades are added to the bottom layers of the hair, thus adding depth to your lovely locks. Follow these easy steps to save some money by forgoing the salon for a do-it-yourself lowlights experience.


Choosing the Dye

  1. Visit a drugstore or beauty supply store to choose your colors. Some hair dye manufacturers already have products made especially for "at home" lowlights. Pick this if it is available. If not, choose your color carefully according to your natural hair color.
  2. Pick a color that is two or three shades darker than your own hair. Pick one to three colors in a similar shade. Pay attention to the shade of your skin, working with colors that are cool or warm, depending upon your skin's natural color. Make sure you are using the same brand of dyes, to avoid timing confusion when you color.[1]
    • Blondes should try a deeper shade of blonde or a light brown. Most store-bought coloring advertises these shades as caramel, coffee and honey colors.
    • Brunettes should choose rich brown and red shades. These may appear on the box as cinnamon or auburn. Brunettes with pale skin should avoid color that is too dark, as you need to compliment your skin tone. Choose gold or copper tones instead.
    • Red heads should choose red shades. However, if your hair is dark, try golden brown or brunette tones.
    • Black haired people should choose dark shades that are tinted with other colors.
  3. Perform an allergy test on yourself. This is recommended by most box colorants. Test the dye by placing a drop or two of it on a small area of your skin. Wait 10 minutes to see if you have a reaction. If the skin that the dye is on or near begins to turn red or bumpy, you are allergic to the dye and should not use it.

Readying Your Hair and Dye

  1. Wash your hair one or two days before dyeing. You do not want to wash your hair the day you plan on dyeing it. The natural oils your hair develops when it remains unwashed help to bind the dye to your hair. These oils also help your dye last longer.
    • Avoid conditioning your hair the day before you dye it. Conditioners disrupt the natural oils your hair produces.
  2. Protect yourself and your home from dye stains. As you may have guessed, dye can really mess up a shirt, rug, or anything else it might get on besides your hair. In order to protect against dye stains, cover the ground where you will be dyeing your hair, as well as any nearby surfaces, with newspaper. You should wear an old t-shirt that you don’t mind getting stained.[1]
    • It is a good idea to have paper towels nearby, just in case there is a dye spill.
  3. Use a towel and gloves to avoid drips and stains. Place an old towel that you don’t mind staining around your shoulders. Put latex or rubber gloves on before you mix the dye so that you don’t ruin that cute manicure you just got.[2]
    • Most dyeing kits come with gloves to use during the dyeing process. If your box doesn’t, you can purchase latex and rubber gloves at your local drugstore.
  4. Avoid dyeing your ears, neck, and hairline. In order to do this, you will need to rub vaseline along your hairline, neck, and over your ears. Vaseline helps wash away the dye after you have finished dyeing your hair.
    • Some dye boxes come with a conditioner made specifically for protecting your skin from the dye. If your dye comes with this, use it.
    • You can also use lip balm instead of vaseline, but vaseline is recommended.
  5. Mix the dye(s). The dye you purchased will have come in a box that has directions on. Follow those specific instructions for your dye. Your box should also contain a mixing bowl and brush. If it did not, a plastic bowl that you don’t mind staining will work just as well. Some dyes come with an activator. If this is the case with your dye, mix it into the dye. If you are using multiple dyes, mix them all at once to make the dyeing process more efficient.
    • If you do not have a dye brush or your dye box didn’t come with one, you can use a large paint brush purchased at your local art supply store. The brush should be no smaller that one and a half or two inches wide.
  6. Mix the developer in with your dye. Keep in mind that only some dyes need to be mixed with developer. Your dye should have come with developer. If it did not, but the box says that you need to use developer, you will have to buy it. You can purchase developer at most beauty supply stores.
    • If you are using dye that is much darker than your hair, you should only use 10% developer.

Applying the Dye

  1. Section off the areas of hair on which you wish to apply the lowlights. To do this, use a comb with a pointed end to make the process easier. Unlike highlights that are added to the top of your head, these will go at the bottom, so you will need to pin your hair up on top of your head if it is long.[2]
    • It also helps to brush your hair thoroughly so that you do not have any tangles that make sectioning off the hair harder.
  2. Pin areas you would like to lowlight, and plan which color each strand will take, if you plan to apply more than 1 color. They do not need to be symmetrical. It will look more natural if they are varied.[1]
    • For a more noticeable look, plan your lowlights close together.
    • For a more natural look, plan your lowlights further apart.
    • Blondes should avoid adding too many lowlights in the back of the hair, as these may not look natural, especially when they are exposed to direct sunlight.
  3. Apply the dyes one color at a time. Doing this ensures that you are choosing the areas you have planned for each shade. Your dye kit should come with an applicator or a brush to dye your hair with.
  4. Put the dye on your hair. Place the applicator no closer than 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) away from your scalp and follow the hair to the tip. You want to evenly coat the section of hair, making sure that every inch of it is covered.
    • If you plan to do many small sections of lowlights, use small strips of foil to section off hair as you dye it with different colors. Place the foil under the hair. Brush the dye from root to tip and fold the foil. Keep the dye on the strands for the indicated time, then remove and rinse.

Finishing Up

  1. Leave the dyes on for the specified amount of time. This is called the processing time, which is when the dye binds to your hair. The box that the dye came in will tell you how long you need to leave the dye on for.
  2. Wipe off any dye that has dripped on your face or neck. Use a wet paper towel or washcloth with soap to do this. You don’t want to leave dye drips on your skin for two long or they may begin to dye your skin. While this is not permanent, it can last for several days.
  3. Rinse your hair. You can either rinse your hair in the sink or take a shower. Use cool water to wash your hair but don’t use any shampoo or normal conditioner--only use the conditioner provided in your dyeing kit. Don’t be shocked if it looks like all of the dye is running off of your head in rivulets--it’s not, but it is going to look like it. Continue rinsing your hair until you can see anymore dye going down the drain.
    • If post-dye conditioner did not come in your dyeing kit, purchase some at a beauty supply store. It should be a conditioner specifically made for dyed hair.
    • Do not use normal shampoo and conditioner for at least 24 to 48 hours.
    • If you used very temporary shampoo, dye will wash off of your hair every time you shower.
  4. Avoid UV rays. It is best to avoid direct sunlight for at least a day after you have dyed your hair. UV rays from the sun can reduce the dyed color. The same goes for blow dryers--avoid blow drying your hair for several days after the dyeing process.
  5. Wash your hair with the right shampoo and conditioner. After you have waited at least 24 hours, you can wash your hair with shampoo. However, it is highly recommended that you buy shampoo and conditioner specifically made for dyed hair. Normal shampoos can strip your hair of the dye.
  6. Re-dye your hair as needed. To keep your lowlights looking perfect, repeat this process every 6 to 8 weeks for short hair or every 3 months for long hair. In order to avoid the fried look that can sometimes come from hair that is dyed too often, leave your conditioner in your hair for a full five minutes while you shower.


  • Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, or those made especially for color-treated hair.
  • Get a friend to help. Four hands are always better than two in this case.

Things You'll Need

  • Box hair color(s)
  • Comb
  • Hairpins
  • Latex or rubber gloves
  • Shower
  • Foil

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