Make ADHD‐Friendly Career Choices

Millions of people all over the world have been diagnosed with ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Though some with ADHD find it difficult to find jobs that will be suitable to their needs, many others have been able to choose career paths and offices that will allow them to thrive and utilize their strengths. Through careful consideration of career options, selecting an office environment that will be a good fit for you, and using your strengths, you can find and keep a job that you love.


Considering Career Options

  1. Talk to others with ADHD. If you know of other professionals with ADHD, set up some time to chat with them about their current role and office. Get some pointers about how to use your ADHD to your advantage and to select a career that will be best suited to you. They will be able to provide you with insight that you may not have yet considered and that could help shape your decisions.
    • If they dislike their job, find out what elements of it bother them most and whether those could be related to ADHD. If they love their job, find out why and consider choosing a career or office with similar elements.
    • Make some notes before you consult with someone else who has ADHD to help you identify what your specific struggles are and to help guide your conversation with the person.
  2. Take a career inventory. There are several tests that you can take online to assess what careers might be best for you.[1] You can also access these tests at a local college’s career center. If you are enrolled, they may be free. If you are an alumnus or community member, these tests may be available for a fee. These tests can help you think about jobs that you may never have even considered before.
    • Remember, however, that these tests are should not be used exclusively in deciding what you should do career wise. At the end of the day, you should use all of the resources available to you to make a decision and should not rely solely on these tests.
    • Remember also that these career inventory tests are non-exhaustive, meaning that they will not show all possible careers that will be a good fit for you. Use it as a starting point to begin thinking about careers.
  3. Write out a list of your strengths. One key element to job searching is recognizing your strengths. If, for instance, you are not a good cook and are not interested in cooking, then perhaps a career in culinary arts would not be best suited for you. However, if you enjoy working with people and are interested in medicine, then you might consider a job in the medical field. Take a few moments to write out all of the things that you do well, including both skills that you have learned over time as well as the things that come naturally to you.[2]
    • If you are finding it difficult to do, think of things you have accomplished and what skills it took to make those things happen. You can also think about compliments that people have given you in the past, or even enlist a friend or family member to help you make your list.
  4. Write out a list of your interests. Your interests are just as important as your skills. If you are excellent at styling and cutting hair but you do not enjoy it or find fulfillment in it, then a career in cosmetology is probably not for you. When making any career choice, you should remember that a considerable amount of your time will be devoted to this job. You will want to choose a job that aligns with the things that you are passionate about.[3]
  5. Job shadow those with careers you are interested in. Once you have thought more concretely about the type of job that you would like to have, find individuals to job shadow so that you can understand their work better and pick their brain with questions. People often enjoy talking about themselves and their work, so take advantage of that. Ask if you can stop by for a few hours to observe them in their roles.
    • If you can find someone with ADHD, all the better.
    • You could send an email or call and say something like “My name is Joshua and I am very interested in a career as a veterinarian. I was wondering if I could come by some time next week for a half day and job shadow you? If so, I would very much appreciate it.”
  6. Consider all different careers. Perhaps your search for jobs is proving to be a bit more difficult that you thought. Think about the following careers, which are highly engaging and have been identified as being particularly suited for those with ADHD[4]:[5]
    • Teacher
    • Daycare worker
    • Journalist
    • Chef
    • Small business owner
    • Hairstylist
    • Nurse
  7. Consider your career values. Thinking through your career values can help you to find the career that will be most likely to hold your interest. Rank your career values in order from most to least important.[6] Some of the career values you may want to rank include:
    • Income
    • Flexibility
    • Passion for the job
    • Autonomy
    • Structure or freedom
    • Work schedule
    • Work environment
    • Job security
    • Benefits

Choosing a Good Work Environment

  1. Look for fast-paced environments. Perhaps just as important as the career of choice is the office that you choose to work in. People with ADHD often have a need for structure in their work environments, but also for spaces that are not dull or slow-paced. Look for jobs that will keep you actively engaged during your entire work day. If you are interviewing, pay attention to the demeanors of the staff and to the overall buzz of the office.[7]
    • If the staff seems upbeat and excited, this could be an indication that the office environment is fast-paced.
    • If you hear laughter, this could also be an indication of a fun and dynamic office structure.
    • Pay attention to the colors of the office and the artwork. Oftentimes, you can tell how the office structure is by looking at your physical surroundings.
  2. Inquire about management styles. As a person with ADHD, you are very likely to need autonomy, clearly defined expectations, and open lines of communication. Should you secure an interview with a potential employer, ask them about their style of supervision and see if it lines up with your needs and values.[8]
    • If your potential boss says that they are looking for someone that needs little to no instruction, consider if this role would be suitable for you.
  3. Look for flexibility. You will likely need a bit of flexibility in your role in order to not feel suffocated and to work at your optimal level. Look for jobs that will provide you with the kinds of flexibility that will be important to you.
    • For instance, if you work best at night, you might look for jobs that have lots of night time hours, but provide flex time during the day.
    • Also, if you would like the opportunity to work from home, you should assess if that is an option from the start.
    • Don’t push your luck, however. Though you want to find a job and office that will fit your needs, realize that you will also have to be flexible, as well.
  4. Talk to current staff, if possible. If you know of someone who works in the department or office that you are interested in or have secured an interview with, reach out to them to ask if they can tell you about their experience. During the interview, most employers like to portray their office in the best light possible, and can sometimes be misleading. Get the inside scoop if possible to determine the true office dynamics and structure.
    • You can also ask these staff questions during the interview if they are present. Most interviews will not only be with the boss or supervisor, but with some of their staff, as well.
    • Don’t make a decision based solely on what a staff person says, however. Consider all of the information available to you when deciding on a job.
  5. Ask key questions during the interview. If you should have any hesitations or concerns about a particular job or office, then you should make those concerns known by asking questions during the interview. Don’t be alarmist, but do seek to understand. This decision will be an important one for you so it is critical to have as much information as possible.[9]
    • For instance, don’t ask things like “why do you have such a high staff turnover rate?” but instead ask “how do you incentivize talented staff to stay rather than moving on to other opportunities?”
    • You might ask things like “what do you enjoy about working here?” or “what are some challenges?”
  6. Help create an environment conducive to your needs. Once you have secured a job in an office that you like, remember that this is not the end. You are unlikely to feel completely happy every day at your job and that is okay and perfectly normal. Recognize that you can make certain tweaks to your environment to ensure that you are able to both manage and use your ADHD to your advantage. Consider the following options:
    • Ask to use flex time to come in late some days and stay late so that you are working during your peak hours and when less coworkers are around.
    • Take structured breaks throughout the day to give your brain a break. Consider taking a quick walk outside or inside the building.
  7. Make physical tweaks to your office space. Just as you have the flexibility to select certain assignments or may have leeway in determining your hours, you can also reconstruct your physical space to tailor it to you. Consider the following options in making your space hospitable:
    • Position your chair facing away from the door to reduce distractions.
    • If you have to share an office, ask permission to use a quiet conference room every so often when you have a lot of work or are feeling unfocused.
    • Limit the items on your desk so that you don’t get distracted.

Utilizing your Strengths

  1. Use the power of multitasking. In your new career, make sure that you are using your ADHD to your full advantage. Oftentimes, people with ADHD are better at multitasking than is the person without ADHD. Take advantage of this skill by working on multiple tasks at once.
    • For instance, consider taking phone calls and responding to emails simultaneously. Don’t press send until after proofreading, however.
  2. Use the power of focus. Many consider a lack of focus as being the primary issue of those with ADHD. However, recognize that when you do focus on a task, you can be zoned into that task for hours and complete it even faster than someone without ADHD. Avoid getting sidetracked on meaningless tasks or in social media, but instead immerse yourself in your work and you will yield positive results.
    • Take note of any time that you get distracted and what is distracting you. Likewise, take note of times when you are in the zone and working exceptionally well. Pay attention to what might be promoting your productivity so that you can try to replicate it later on.
  3. Make lists. Each week, you should have a list of all of the projects or assignments that you need to complete as well as a list of larger projects that need attention now. This will assure that you do not forget about a task and miss a deadline. Consider putting these tasks on your calendar so that you plot out time to work on them.
  4. Plan your day ahead of time. At the end of each day, you should have a well developed plan for the following day so that you know what time you should arrive to work, what you will be doing all day, and what time you will leave. Review your calendar at the end of each day so that you enter into the next day ready and prepared.
    • You can plan out your social events, as well.
    • If you struggle with lists, plans, or schedules, then see if you can locate an ADHD coach or therapist to help you develop these skills.
  5. Request assignments that interest you. One of the best ways to assure that you are focused and engaged in the work you’re doing is by requesting assignments that interest you. There will be many little mundane tasks that you are required to do that are perhaps of little to no interest to you. You can balance this by signing up to do things that you will enjoy.
    • For instance, if your boss is looking for someone to assist with a mentoring program run out of the office, and you enjoy working with children, this might be a good fit for you.
    • Keep in mind that you do not have to wait for your boss to request something. If there is a project that interests you and that you would like to work on, then let your boss know.
  6. Set short term goals. Inform your boss of the goals that you have set to keep yourself accountable. This will help ensure that you do not get lazy in your role and that you are always pushing yourself to be the best version of you that is possible. It will also help guarantee that you do not get bored at work and will help you develop professional skills that will be helpful to you both now and in the future.
    • For instance, perhaps a goal you have is to improve your students’ average test scores by three points on the next test. Communicate this to your supervisor and then put an action plan in place to achieve your goal.
    • Be sure to create a visual reminder of your goals. For example, you can write them on a piece of paper and post it somewhere you will see it daily.
