Make a Woven Arrow Bracelet

Creating a woven arrow bracelet is very easy, but it takes a long time. Be aware of this fact as you go along.


  1. Measure and cut four different colored strings of embroidery floss each two yards long.
  2. Fold the strings in half and tie them together to make a loop at the top, so you have eight strings total.
  3. Attach the paperclip to the loop at the top, then attach the paperclip to something fairly sturdy.
  4. Starting at the left number your strings, so that you have, in order from the left: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 4b, 3b, 2b, and 1b at the very right.
  5. Take 1a and make a four with it across 2a. Slip the end of 1a under and through the wide part of the four. Pull the two strings until they are in a tight knot. The 4 should look something like the numeral.
  6. Repeat.
  7. After you have knotted 1a & 2a twice, take 1a and do the same thing on 3a. Make a four, slip 1a under and through, pull it tight, repeat.
  8. Do this process on 4a as well, but do not continue onto 4b.
  9. Now take 1b and make a 'p' shape, or a backward four,across 2b. Then slip 1b under 2b and into the wide part of the 'p'. Pull the two strings tight and repeat. Do the same things you did on the other side on this side, just in the opposite direction, working into the center.
  10. Take 1b and knot it with 2b, 3b, and 4b.
  11. Now finish this row by taking 1b and knotting it over 1a, using the same process you used on the right or 'b' threads. Knot it twice.
  12. Begin a new row using the same technique. Just remember that 2a & 2b are now 1a & 1b, and 1a & 1b are now 4a & 4b.
  13. When you reach the length you want knot the loose ends together. Trim off any excess threads and you're done!
  14. Finished.


  • The more strings you use, the wider your bracelet will be. The less strings you use, the thinner your bracelet will be. Normally, you do not use less than four strings. If you do, it will not turn out as well.
  • The bracelet tends to look nicer if you use different colored threads.
  • Try to keep the color you want on top because you might end up with the last color on top instead!
  • Knot the middle twice for the perfect arrow tip.


  • Make sure you knot from the right in the middle every time.
  • Watch out for fur and other non-floss items that might get stuck in your knots.
  • Try not to miss double-knotting your strings. Your bracelet will look somewhat odd in that spot if you do.

Things You'll Need

  • Embroidery floss
  • Paperclip
  • Something to attach the paperclip to

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