Make Caffeine Jello Shots

Whether you appreciate the benefits of caffeine but dislike the flavor of coffee, or you're just looking for a quick way to get a caffeine fix, you'll probably be pleased with the convenience and quirkiness of caffeinated Jello shots. You can either make shots with caffeine powder or replace the water in the recipe with a caffeinated energy drink.


Jello Shots with Caffeine Powder

Servings: 15

  • 100-600 milligrams (mg) caffeine powder
  • 1 3-oz. (85 g) package flavored gelatin
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup cold water

Jello Shots with a Caffeinated Energy Drink

Servings: 15

  • 1 3-oz. (85 g) package flavored gelatin
  • 2 cups energy drink, divided


Make Jello Shots with Caffeine Powder

Caffeine powder needs to be measured precisely before being added to your gelatin mixture. Consider investing in a precision scale that can measure weight in milligrams.

  1. Empty the caffeine powder into a medium bowl and add the gelatin powder to it.
  2. Pour the boiling water over the powders and whisk the ingredients together for 2 minutes or until all of the gelatin has dissolved.
  3. Add the cold water, whisking to combine.
  4. Place 15 2-ounce (60 ml) shot glasses on a cookie sheet.
  5. Ladle the gelatin into the shot glasses, dividing the gelatin evenly between each glass.
  6. Refrigerate the shots for 2 to 4 hours.

Make Jello Shots with a Caffeinated Energy Drink

As an alternative to using caffeine powder, you can make your caffeinated shots with an energy drink. Choose a gelatin flavor that complements the flavor of your energy drink.

  1. Pour 1 cup of the energy drink of your choice into a saucepan.
  2. Pour the gelatin over the liquid and allow it to bloom for 1 to 2 minutes.
  3. Heat the gelatin mixture over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring the mixture with a whisk.
  4. Add the additional 1 cup of energy drink, stirring to combine.
  5. Place 15 2-ounce (60 ml) shot glasses on a cookie sheet.
  6. Ladle the gelatin into the shot glasses, dividing the mixture evenly between each glass.
  7. Refrigerate them for 2 to 4 hours before serving them cold.


  • Depending on the energy drink, the sugar content can affect the consistency of the gelatin. If you make energy drink shots and find that they are too soft, add an envelope of unflavored gelatin when you make the recipe again. Alternatively, make your shots with a sugar-free energy drink.
  • You can vary the dosage of caffeine that you want to put into each Jello shot. It's important to know that caffeine is a stimulant at low doses, but extremely toxic at high doses (2 grams) and can easily kill you. If the recipe makes approximately 15 2-oz. (60 ml) shots, multiply the caffeine content per shot by 15. For instance, to make shots containing 25 mg caffeine, you will need 375 mg total in your recipe. A can of cola equals 50 mg of caffeine, one shot of espresso equals 100 mg of caffeine, and 2.5 cans of Red Bull equals 200 mg of caffeine.
  • To make a cherry bomb Jello shot, mix 1 package of cherry gelatin with 1 cup of energy drink and 1 cup of vodka.
  • Purchase pure powder caffeine either in-store or online. Caffeine pills can be ground up, but it may not dissolve too easily in the jello mix because of the fillers in the pill. Also, because you will not get the controlled release benefits of the fillers within the pill, you could easily consume too much caffeine.
  • Pure caffeine itself has a bitter taste, but it should be imperceptible using the small amounts required for this recipe.
  • Try adding other energy supplements commonly found in energy drinks such as ginseng and a liquid B vitamin supplement for an extra boost! Make sure the dosage falls within safe levels as indicated on the supplement label. Remember that it is easy to consume many jello shots at a time, and a large amount of energy supplements can be harmful.


  • Caffeine is no joke. It's beneficial when used in small amounts, but can easily kill you in large amounts (2 grams or more). Caffeine overdose is unpleasant, and larger doses can lead to a terrifying death. If you begin to feel nervous or restless, STOP consuming the jello shots and wait for your symptoms to pass. Consider lowering the dose next time you try this recipe.
  • Do not exceed 50 mg of caffeine per shot. The gelatin will begin to taste bitter, and you could experience some unpleasant side effects.

Things You'll Need

  • Scale (if measuring caffeine powder)
  • Bowl
  • Whisk
  • 2-oz. (60 ml) shot glasses
  • Cookie sheet
  • Ladle
  • Saucepan

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