Make Choco Vanilla Syrup

This syrup is just perfect to be served as desserts to guests. It is quick and easy to make and tastes heavenly.


  1. Half fill the glasses with the vanilla ice cream.
  2. Put some water (or milk) in it and stir to make a paste.
  3. Put some more milk (don't fill glass completely, adjust) and add half a teaspoon sugar and one teaspoon chocolate powder. Stir to make a syrup.
  4. Drop two or three ice cubes in it.
  5. Top up the glasses with milk cream and put a straw in each glass. Your chocolate-vanilla syrup is ready to be served.
  6. Finished.


  • Serve some wafers or chocolates with your chocolate-vanilla syrup.
  • Serve the syrup in decorative glasses so it looks better.

Things You'll Need

  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Chocolate powder
  • Milk or water
  • Spoon
  • Glasses
  • Sugar
  • Milk cream
  • Ice cubes
  • Straws

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