Make Hot Chocolate From Syrup
This hot chocolate is extremely popular and suits all ages.
- Chocolate syrup
- Canned whipped cream or bottled
- Milk of choice
- Put four tablespoons (or to taste) of Hershey chocolate syrup in a cup.
- Squirt in whipped cream to about halfway up the cup. If there is no whipped cream available, powdered sugar and vanilla extract works just as well.
- Mix the whipped cream and chocolate together with a spoon.
- Add hot milk of your choice. Use soy, whole, two percent, or whatever your fancy is.
- Stir thoroughly with spoon.
- Add whipped cream on top applying in a circular motion ending up with a very pretty mini mountain.
- Using a spoon dipped in the chocolate syrup drizzle over the whipped cream.
- Finished.
- Whipped cream comes in a low calorie version which works just as well as any. *Make sure to shake the can at every use to get best performance, especially when doing the top.
- Make sure milk is not scalded. It is recommended to heat to 180 degrees but a good rule of thumb is to think of heating milk for a baby and then adjust for those who request HOT.
Things You'll Need
- Spoon
- Pan
- Serving cups or mugs
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