Make Kettle Corn
Kettle corn is one of the most defining tastes and smells of a summer fair, but you can make a professional quality batch at home in less than 20 minutes. What's more, the recipe is easily adjusted, with lots of fun variations, so that you can mix up your snacking depending on your taste buds.
- 3 Tablespoons oil (coconut, canola, vegetable, sunflower)
- 1/2 (125ml) cup corn kernels
- 1/4-1/2 cup (60-125ml) white sugar, depending on your desired sweetness
- 1-2 teaspoons salt
Making Classic Kettle Corn
- Measure out your corn, sugar, and oil ahead of time. To prevent burning, you want to be able to add everything right when it is needed. The only way to do this is to pre-measure your ingredients.
- The amount of sugar, anywhere between 1/4-1/2 cups (60-125ml), is up to your personal taste. For beginners, it's not a bad to split the difference and use 1/3 cups (80ml) sugar.
- Warm the oil in a tall, lidded saucepan, adding three "test" kernels as it heats. Put the burner on medium-high heat and cover while it warms. Once one of these three kernels pops you'll be ready to make your popcorn.
- Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. As you do, keep an ear out for your test kernels to pop -- this is your indication to start cooking.
- Add the sugar, salt, and corn once you hear the first test kernel pop. This is your clue that the oil is the perfect temperature. Note that you only need to wait for the first kernel to pop -- don't worry so much about the other two.
- Stir all of the ingredients to coat and quickly replace the lid. The hot oil is only half of the cooking equation -- you also need the steam to help pop your corn. Mix everything up so the sugar and oil are well-distributed around the kernels and then replace the lid.
- Shake the pan as the popcorn starts to pop, holding the lid on. Early on this should only be occasional -- every 15-20 seconds or so. Use a potholder to hold the lid down snugly without burning your hands.
- Shake more frequently as the popping increases, resting the pan every 4-5 seconds to gain heat. As the pops become more vigorous, start shaking the pan more and more frequently, occasionally placing it back on the heat for a few seconds to stay hot.
- Remove from the heat once the popping slows to one "pop" every 1-2 seconds. If the interval between pops has dropped to the point where there's only one pop every few seconds, cut the heat. Your popcorn is done.
- While you'll always have unpopped kernels, waiting too long in an attempt to pop them all will lead to burnt kettle corn.
- This whole process, in general, should only take 2-3 minutes.
- Immediately pour the popcorn out on your baking sheet, spreading to cool. The hot pot's residual heat will cook and burn the popcorn if left in for too long. Sprinkle it out on the baking sheet and spread so that you only have one layer, helping the popcorn cool evenly.
- Spreading it out helps the popcorn dry as it cools instead of becoming soggy.
Making Kettle Corn Variations
- Play with the type of corn kernel used. Most people don't realize that there are a variety of different kernel types, and they have slightly different effects on the texture of your kettle corn. For the classic, "exploded" kernel, with it's thin, rough edges, you can use "movie popcorn." For softer, hull-less popcorn, use the "tender" variety. For the big, ballooning kernels popular at state fairs, you should look for "mushroom popcorn," which retains a rounder shape.
- Unless you live near a specialty store, you may have to order these versions online.
- Add a 1/4 teaspoon of ground chipotle and a squeeze of lime to the cooling popcorn. This variation is a delicious, spicy-sweet take on kettle corn for those who don't just want something sweet. As soon as the popcorn is finished, sprinkle the chipotle powder and squeeze half a lime over the popcorn, stirring quickly. Spread and cool like normal.
- For an even spicier popcorn, add 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper as well.
- Add 2 tablespoons of flavored syrup along with the sugar to make any variety you could desire. The most common choices are coffee syrups, the same ones used for flavored lattes. Make a note of the ingredient list on the syrup -- if they contain a lot of sugar, consider cutting the sugar to 1/4 cups. Simply add the syrup when the popcorn goes in and cook like normal.
- Try a decadent brown sugar-cinnamon glaze. To make this delicious variation, put 2/3 cups (160ml) brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, and 3 tablespoons butter in a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds, until hot. Cook the popcorn like normal and, right before pouring it out to cool, pour the hot butter mixture over the popcorn and stir quickly. Cool like normal.
- Note -- the butter mixture should still be hot when poured, so don't be afraid to reheat it for 10-15 seconds if needed.
- Whip up some maple-bacon kettle corn to impress any crowd. Cook 4 slices of bacon in a pan, keeping all of the excess grease, and let it cool. Cut the bacon into small pieces and toss with 1 tablespoon maple syrup, setting aside. Use the excess bacon grease in place of the normal 3 tablespoons oil, supplementing more vegetable oil if you don't quite have enough, and use it to cook the kettle corn like normal. Once the popcorn is done, stir in the maple bacon and cool as you normally would.
- You may want to lower the sugar to 1/4 cup (60ml), as the maple syrup will add some sweetness.
- Consider cutting some of the salt from the recipe, as the bacon has plenty.
- If you want a little extra savoriness, add another pinch of salt after it is done cooking.
- You should make this in smaller batches rather than one huge pot -- cooking no more than a cup of corn at a time to prevent burning.
- With the sugar in the oil, the kernels tend to burn faster than regular corn. Keep your eyes on it!
- Sugar is extremely hot when heated, and can cause serious burns right off the stove. Use caution.
Things You'll Need
- Large kettle or heavy-bottomed pot
- Lid
- Baking sheet
- Parchment paper
- Wooden spoon or stirrer.
- Oven mitts or pot holders
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Sources and Citations
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