Make Maraschino Cherry Chocolate Creams

Maraschino cherries and chocolate conjures up a romantic evening together in front of the open fire. These delicious chocolates combine Maraschino cherries with the background flavors of vanilla or almond, depending on your preference.


  • Make Fondant for Soft Chocolate Creams suitable for cream chocolate center
  • Maraschino cherries or candied cherries
  • Flavoring of almond or vanilla
  • Chopped peanuts (substitute another nut if you have peanut allergies)
  • ½ a pound of chocolate suitable for coating, high cocoa butter content


  1. Melt the fondant over hot water.
  2. Add the flavoring.
  3. Put a bit of cherry in the bottom of each mold.
  4. Turn in the melted fondant and fill the impressions. Ensure that they are level on the top.
  5. Melt the chocolate, broken in bits, over warm water in a double boiler. Add as many chopped peanuts as can be stirred into it.
  6. Let cool to about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} and in it drop the finished creams, one at a time.
  7. Place them aside to set. Once coated, place them on baked paper or waxed paper covering a tray or board.
  8. Serve when set.

Things You'll Need

  • Double boiler to melt chocolate and fondant
  • Chocolate mold
  • Baking or wax paper
  • Tray
  • Fork to assist coating

Related Articles

  • Make Fondant for Soft Chocolate Creams
  • Make Peppermint Creams
  • Make Rose Chocolate Creams
  • Make Chocolate Butter Creams
  • Make Pistachio Chocolate Creams
