Make a Car Emergency Kit
Breakdowns. Fires. Flat tires. You name it, it might happen. Most people have had an accident without proper equipment to even make minor repairs.
- Get a plastic toolbox or other container. It should be just big enough to keep your items.
- Get items:
- Small first aid kit. Everybody gets injuries on the road. Keep it stocked and replace used items. Include bandages, gauze pads, your medications, a first aid guide, first aid cream, cold pack, triangular bandage, thermometer, wipes, scissors, adhesive tape, and distilled water.
- LED Torch (Flashlight) and spare lithium batteries. Preferably with an orange or red 'blinker' light to warn traffic. Lithium batteries can be stored for up to 10 years without self discharging.
- Food. Items like cereal bars, power bars, etc.
- Water. Keep jugs or bottles of water in the trunk. Water is important for cleaning anything or to prevent dehydration.
- Notepad, pen, or pencil. Post-it notes are handy.
- Whistle. Preferably with compass and thermometer on it too. Keep a fish and chip fork inside the mouthpiece as it has a variety of uses; other than just eating!
- Electrical tape. To make minor repairs.
- Cigarette lighter. You never know when you need fire.
- Cleansing wipes. For when your hands, arms, or any other part of you gets dirty working on the car.
- Tissues. Have a variety of uses.
- Plastic rain poncho. In case of rain.
- Also helpful: Used In emergency to signal to rescuers.
- Safety pins. Useful to repair clothing or as a fishing hook.
- Playing cards. Something to do to pass time while waiting for assistance.
- Magnifying glass. For looking at small parts of the car and starting small fires if you don't have a lighter.
- Matches. Waterproof matches are best.
- Cotton wool. Useful to clean wounds or as tinder for a fire.
- Curry powder/assorted spices. For emergency food flavoring. Ever eaten a rat?
- Tin foil. Variety of uses.
- Compass. In case you get lost.
- Triangular bandage
- Multi-tool. This should include assorted screwdriver heads.
- Local maps. In case you get lost or need give some one directions on your location.
- Keep in the glove box:
- Small fire extinguisher. In case of fire, of course.
- First aid kit. Injuries are possible anywhere and you might not be able to get to the other first aid kit in the trunk of the car.
- Gloves. For work and warming purposes.
- Keep in the boot (trunk):
- Jumper cables. In case you need to start your engine using another car or to start another cars engine.
- High-visibility vest or similar. It is important to be able to be seen by traffic and rescuers.
- Spare tire. In case you get a flat tire. It is also important to make sure you have the necessary tools to change said tire.
- Warning Triangle. In Great Britain, these are mandatory in the case of an accident. Remember! Your hazard lights are only a secondary source of warning. Place {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} from car on both sides if possible.
- Keep vital fluids (like oil and wiper fluid) in the trunk of your car.
- Keep spare items,like light-bulbs, or fuses (know where the fuse box is), in your car also.
- Keep Your car fault free
- A can of tire sealant is a good secondary tire option.
- Be careful on the roadside
- Be careful with fire around your petrol-diesel(Gas) filled car.