Make a Coin Go Through Your Hand

Although there are a few steps to this magic trick, it's not at all complicated and is very entertaining for the audience. Two small coins in your local currency will be perfect for the trick.


  1. Obtain two small coins (usually dimes or pennies) and some glue. Apply some glue to one side of one coin. Also place some glue to the palm of your left hand.
  2. Glue the coin with glue on one side on your left hand pinky finger . Hold the other coin in between your thumb and pointer finger. Keep the rest of your fingers closed.
  3. Ask for a volunteer from your audience. Tell the volunteer to put his or her right hand out, palm facing upwards.
  4. Put your right hand out over your volunteer's hand, palm down. Put the clean coin (unglued) on top of your right hand, while at the same time take the glued coin from your pinky finger and move it under the palm of your right hand, making sure it doesn't touch your volunteer's palm.
  5. Keeping the glued coin on your right hand palm and the clean coin on top of your right hand, say something like "I will now make this coin go through my hand."
  6. Hit the clean coin with your left hand palm (which is glued) and the coin will stick. Then pull your left hand away and close it.
  7. Wait for the glued coin to fall. The glued coin stuck on your palm should fall off your hand into your volunteer's hand.


  • If you can't reach your pinky to the palm of your hand try your thumb or a different finger.
  • This trick should be practiced a lot to get the feel for how much glue and how much pressure you need to apply. Try it out on friends and family first.
  • Make sure the two coins you get have the same dates, just to make it look more realistic.
  • Use stick glue because anything else like tape or liquid glue is visible to your spectators and to your volunteer.
  • This trick works best on kids.
  • Don't use strong glue because the coin will not fall.
  • Glue stick is the easiest glue. Don't use strong glue or glue that isn't safe for skin. Make sure the coins have the same date so the trick looks realistic and never use different coins. Practice a lot so the trick will be perfect when you perform.


  • Never ever use Krazy glue or super glue to glue the coin to your hand. Krazy glue or super glue should never be used on your skin.
  • Make sure the volunteer doesn't examine the coin too closely or he or she might feel the glue that sticks it to the bottom of your hand.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 small coins (preferably a penny or dime)
  • Glue (make sure that it is safe for your skin); a glue stick is probably the easiest to use

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