Fix a Coin Toss

A minor disagreement can often be settled with a simple coin toss. There are times when you would like to know the outcome before the coin is flipped. You can use this simple device to win a coin toss every time.


  1. Choose an ordinary coin and show it to your victim. Let them see the head and tails.
  2. Set the coin in position to flip.
  3. Say, "Heads, I win. Tails, you lose." just as the coin is flipped.
  4. Declare yourself as the winner, "Heads, I win." if the result is heads.
  5. Declare your victim as the loser, "Tails, you lose." if the result is tails. If your victim objects, let him toss the coin as you say, "Heads, I win. Tails, you lose."


  • This trick may only work on the gullible, weak and innocent. It generally succeeds with children.
  • Don't give them time to think about it afterward. Just hurry to what you won.
  • Speak confidently and act promptly.


  • This is generally thought of as cheating and could leave you with a very annoyed friend.
  • Most people over the age of 7 already know this trick.

Things You'll Need

  • Coin
  • Confidence

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